Worm Farm

Worm Lesson Plans

When you are creating a worm lesson plan, take into account the age of the children and what sort of involvement you’d like. Do you plan on introducing the dissection part of life in your worm lesson plan?  Do you want to purchase an observation worm farm so kids can watch the worms turn the soil? The article below will help you come up with a game plan for your worm lesson plan before you introduce worms into your classroom.

You want to teach your students about decomposition, plant growth and how it relates to worms.  You could also teach them about compost and the life cycle of a worm, and how exactly they help the environment and the earth.

Your worm lesson plans should help your students understand just how important worms are for the Earth and what they do for it.  You can do an experiment so students observe firsthand how earthworms transform garbage into compost. To do it, create a worm farm inside your classroom as part of your worm lesson plan. There are flat-sided worm farm kits with observation windows (sort of like ant farms) available at www.nature-gifts.com that have layers of colored sand and soil in them. Kids can then easily see how worms mix the soil for us as these different colored layers get mixed up. This visual tool can be excellent for your worm lesson plan and exciting and interesting for the children.

READ MORE:  How do Worms Reproduce and What Is Their Life Cycle?

The worm observation farm booklet has a great diagram of worm anatomy if you’d like to do a dissection. It also comes with 3 worm lesson plans. You can learn things like how worms move, how fast do worms churn the soil, do worms like dead leaves or live leaves better (what do they eat?), and do they have a nose or tongue? This kit can be a valuable tool for your worm lesson plan.


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