
Ladybug Pictures

Seven-spotted Ladybug emerging from its pupae.It takes half a day for the spots to show. Seeing Spots? Ever wonder which ladybug you are looking at? What does a “baby” ladybug (larvae) look like? Did you know there are over 300 types of Ladybugs that live in North America? Ladybugs come in many colors besides red:…

Ladybug Infestation 1

Ladybug Infestation – There’s Ladybugs In My House

Ladybugs are Everywhere! Ladybug Infestation. They can infest your house in the winter instead of finding a home outside. Hippodamia convergent ladybugs congregate together in the fall to hibernate. These ladybugs can be found most often in the upper elevations of the Sierra Nevadas, Rocky, Appalachian, Blue Ridge Mountains, and other mountainous areas throughout the United…

Three Ladybugs on Leaf

Ladybug Facts

A Ladybird FAQ Even More Fun Facts: Randy JonesHaving discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that people usually dismissed these little creatures as “creepy-crawlies”.

Green Darner Dragonfly

Green Darner Dragonfly

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:      Arthropoda Class:          Insecta Order:        Odonata Suborder:   Anisoptera Family:       Aeshnidae Genus:        Anax Species:      A. Junius Binomial name: Anax Junius The Common Green Darner, biologically known as Anax Junius is a dragonfly species that resembles a darning needle. It belongs to the Aeshnidae family. In North America, this species is one of…

Eastern Pondhawk

Eastern Pondhawk

Eastern Pondhawk, also known as the common Pondhawk, is found in the United States and southern Ontario and Quebec, Canada. The eastern pondhawk is an athletic, swift-flying predator, able to catch damselflies and other insect prey on the wing. In between hunts, it rests on vegetation, ready to take to the air if prey comes…

Red Dragonfly 1

Red Dragonfly

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:      Arthropoda Class:          Insecta Order:        Odonata Suborder:   Anisoptera Family:       Libellulidae Genus:        Sympetrum Species:      S. Fonscolombii Binomial name: Sympetrum fonscolombii The Red Dragonfly, also known as the Red-Veined Darter or Nomad is technically known as Sympetrum Fonscolombii, and belongs to the Sympetrum genus. It is widespread in the southern parts of Europe,…

Blue Dragonfly

Blue Dragonfly

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:      Arthropoda Class:          Insecta Order:        Odonata Suborder:   Anisoptera Family:       Libellulidae Genus:        Pachydiplax Species:      P. Longipennis Binomial name: Pachydiplax Longipennis The Blue Dasher, biologically known as Pachydiplax Longipennis, is an insect of the dragonfly species and belongs to the skimmer family. It is commonly found in the United States and is widely…

Damselfly 1


Damselflies are flying insects from the Odonata order and Zygoptera suborder. In appearance, they are quite similar to the Dragonflies that belong to the Anisoptera suborder, but are comparatively lighter in build than the latter ones. The Damselflies are believed to exist from the period of the Lower Permian, and are widely distributed on every…

Dragonfly Larvae 1

Dragonfly Larvae

A Dragonfly Insect belongs to the suborder Anisoptera, and to the Odonata order. It is small and fragile in appearance but is considered as a voracious predator. Researches on dragonfly reveal that they are one of the most effective, brutal hunters in the whole animal kingdom. A dragonfly larva is evolved from the hatched egg….

Dragonfly sitting on a flower

Types of Dragonflies

Dragonflies, an amazing and unique insect is from the order Odonata and the Anisoptera suborder. The attractive characteristic of this creature is its multifaceted large eyes, elongated body, and four transparent and strong wings, with colored markings. They are often misunderstood as damselfly, which has a similar structure, but the latter has a slightly lower…