Animals That Start With S

Animals That Start With S

It is believed that the first animals appeared on earth approximately 800 million years ago. One of the earliest animals that scientists found preserved was sponges. The specimens of ancient sponges were 700 million years old. The animal world has been changing and adapting to various habitats and environments since then. However, we still do not know much about the amazing creatures around us. 

In this article, we will discuss some fascinating animals that start with S. We will explore their habitats, traits, diets, and interesting facts about them. 

Animal Names That Start With S

  1. Sponges
  2. Sharks
  3. Sheep
  4. Swans
  5. Sand Vipers
  6. Star-Nosed Mole
  7. Saola

Well-Known Animals That Start With S

Let’s start our list of well-known animals with sharks. Those large creatures actually do not have bones. Other animals that start with S are sheep, which humans have domesticated since around 5000 BC. Let’s also not forget beautiful swans, birds that have a pretty long lifespan. 

1. Sponges


Sponges are water creatures that do not have a nervous system or internal organs. They are immobile. Those aquatic animals prefer to live in saltwater. There are many different species of those animals, and each of them has a unique size, color, and shape. Their strong, pointed spicule skeletons may become visible as a defense against predators or as a result of damage, even though they frequently have a soft, fleshy external covering.

Most species of sponge filter the water around them and consume the microscopic living organisms and plankton. They do not like to be in flowing water and prefer a clean and calm environment. The sponges are typically placed on rocks, reefs, or shelled animals. An interesting fact about them is that they can even grow their roots to get attached to loose substrates like sand.

2. Sharks


Sharks are fish without any bones at all. Instead, they have cartilage, the same substance that makes up the human nose and ears. Those cartilages make up the majority of their body. Today, there are more than 470 living species of shark

These animals that start with S inherent coloring help them blend in with their surroundings and camouflage. As a result, they catch prey more quickly. They have a darker dorsal side than the ventral side of their bodies. As a result, the shark’s body would typically disappear into the gloomy seas.

The Great White, which is the largest fish in the ocean and can grow to a length of around 20 feet, is arguably the most well-known species of those large creatures. Additionally, these fish can live for 20 to 30 years when swimming in tidal conditions.

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Those giant fish are found in American and Australian waters. Sharks typically hunt fish, invertebrates, seals, and sea lions. However, their biggest threats are sperm whales, killer whales, and humans

3. Sheep


Sheep are animals that start with S. They can be found all around the world. Numerous diverse breeds are present almost anywhere people reside. According to research, Asia was the original home of domesticated sheep. These species can currently be found, except in Antarctica, on all continents. They are especially widespread in South America, Australia, Britain, and New Zealand

The average height of sheep at the shoulder is about 3 feet. However, the larger breeds may go up to 250 lbs. Males typically grow bigger than females do. All breeds have a few distinctive traits in common. They stand on two main “toes” as opposed to a single hoof, just like horses. The majority of breeds have dense, wool-like fur. The crowns of the heads of some breeds are also covered with horns.

These creatures eat only plants as food. They mostly eat vegetation for food. Sheep mostly graze on grass, similar to cows, as opposed to browsing on plants. Additionally, people give them dried hay and commercially prepared pellet food to consume. This is especially crucial in places with little grass.

These animals favor mountainous or hilly areas compared to other cattle. Sheep are typically kept on farms, grassland, pastures, and other similar areas with lots of plants around. 

4. Swans


The Anatidae family of big waterfowl includes swans. These birds have long, curving necks and are typically extremely huge. Additionally, this bird is extremely intelligent, dedicated to its partner, and fiercely protective of its young.

Swans prefer a temperate climate. Those waterfowl rely largely on bodies of water to survive. They can be found living in a wide range of habitats, such as streams, wetlands, marshes, lakes, slow-moving rivers and streams, and ponds. These birds typically select locations near water for their nests. 

Numerous continents throughout the world are home to those animals that start with S. This bird family includes just six species, yet together they have a wide range of distribution. They are spread out over the Americas, Asia, Europe, Australia, and the nearby islands

Swans often eat plants and plant debris since they are herbivores. They hunt both on land and in the water. When they are in the water, the swans flip to reach the plans located on the bottom. These birds consume a variety of shoots, roots, stems, and leaves from aquatic plants.

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Mute swans have been domesticated or partially domesticated by humans. These birds are bred for their flesh, their feathers, or just as pets or pond or lake decorations. Swans raised in captivity are friendlier than the ones that live in the wild. 

Less-Known Animals That Start With S

Lesser known animals that start with S include the very unusual-looking sand vipers. Another interesting animal is a star-nosed mole that can sense the electrical fields. The last less-known animal that will also be explored in this article is Saola. Saolas was discovered in 1992. 

5. Sand Vipers

Sand Vipers

Sand vipers are animals that start with S and are prevalent in sandy areas and dunes. They are typically found in the Sahara desert and the Arabian peninsula. Because they hunt at night, they are nocturnal animals. This snake buries itself in sand or hides during the daytime behind shrubs.

The exact nature of its venom is unknown, but it’s a fact that it induces nausea and severe swelling. Although there are no reported cases of human mortality, bites should be attended to in a hospital. The bite of a typical sand viper doesn’t pose a particularly high risk to people. Yet, venom is strong enough to kill animals like rodents, birds, mice, geckos, and amphibians. 

They utilize a mix of aggressive hunting and sit-and-wait ambushes, which distinguishes their hunting technique from that of other viperids. Active hunting is mostly employed in the months just preceding hibernation to improve calorie intake before the lengthy inactive period.

6. Star-Nosed Mole

Star-Nosed Mole

Even though they are almost entirely blind, those animals that start with S are not helpless. Its writhing tentacles have developed into extraordinarily sharp parts of the body and give it the ability to comprehend the nature of the things in its environment. Typically, those creatures are found in the continental USA and Canada. 

In reality, research on the star-nosed mole is advancing knowledge of the neurological system in humans. In order to live in a setting of intense competition, this creature has acquired the capacity to recognize and eat food very effectively.

Star-nosed moles are nocturnal creatures that are active all year round. They prefer moist environments and create networks of shallow and deeper underground tunnels as they navigate swampy terrain. Nests are constructed in an elevated, drier region. The tunnels of this species, which are semi-aquatic, occasionally open straight into the water.

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They have good swimming skills and can dive for a few seconds, occasionally staying below for more than a minute. They hunt for prey more frequently in water during the winter since the damp ground is more likely to be frozen. As vermivores, those animals that start with S mostly consume invertebrates but will also occasionally consume aquatic crustaceans, fish, terrestrial insects, and mollusks.

They will even swim beneath the ice. They often emerge above the earth at night in quest of food. It’s unclear how they interact with one another. Star-nosed moles emit wheezing noises as babies and high-pitched noises as they get older.

7. Saola


The last on the list of rare animals that start with S are Saolas. They are typically found in Vietnam and Laos. As for their physical characteristics, they have brownish-colored coats with white patterns on their faces and necks. Additionally, they also come with parallel horns. 

Those animals prefer to stay in deciduous forests and evergreen woods. Preferable places for them are close to the water sources. Saola is active both during the day and at night. However, they prefer to take a nap during the sweltering afternoon. Although they tend to live alone, they can occasionally form groups of two or three, or even up to six or seven. 

Saola is territorial and leaves a fragrant secretion on rocks and plants to identify their territory. They spend a lot of time grooming, relaxing, and occasionally bleating when they are not foraging. Saolas are folivores, which means they eat the leaves of plants that grow next to rivers.

Bottom Line – Animals That Start With S

In this article, we discussed extraordinary animals that start with S. However, this is only a small list of the wonders of nature that live out there in the wild. Among well-known creatures, we discussed sheep, sharks, sponges, and swans. Also, we learned about some less-famous animals, such as saola, star-nosed mole, and sand vipers.

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