Olive Tree

Olive Tree

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae Order:    Lamiales (unranked):     Angiosperms (unranked):     Eudicots (unranked):    Asterids Family:    Oleaceae Genus:    Olea Species:    O. Europaea Binomial Name:    Olea Europaea The leaf of the olive tree, botanically named Olea Europaea is called the Olive leaf. Olive oil is famous as a health…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae Order:    Sapindales (unranked):     Angiosperms (unranked):     Eudicots (unranked):    Rosids Family:    Meliaceae Genus:    Azadirachta Species:    A. Indica Binomial Name:    AzadirachtaIndica Nutmeg is a popularly known spice belonging to the genus Myristica,  which is obtained from a variety of species of this genus. It is…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae Order:    Rosales (unranked):     Angiosperms (unranked):     Eudicots (unranked):    Rosids Family:    Uticaceae Genus:    Urtica Species:    U. Dioica Binomial Name:    Urtica Dioica A herbaceous flowering plant, botanically known as Urtica Dioica, is also commonly referred to as Stinging Nettle or Common Nettle. It is…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae Order:    Sapindales (unranked):     Angiosperms (unranked):     Eudicots (unranked):    Rosids Family:    Meliaceae Genus:    Azadirachta Species:    A. Indica Binomial Name:    AzadirachtaIndica The Neem, biologically known as Azadirachta Indica, is a herbaceous tree belonging to the Meliaceae family. It is endemic to India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and…



Scientific Classification Mustard, originating from the seeds of the mustard plant, is used for seasoning food. There are yellow mustards, brown mustards called Sinapis Hirta or white mustards, and Brassica Juncea which are Indian mustards or B. Nigra, which are black mustards. Mustard seeds in the form of whole, ground, bruised, or cracked, are blended…

Muira Puama

Muira Puama

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Core Eudicots Family:    Olacaceae Genus:    Ptychopetalum Ptychopetalum Muira Puama, a small plant, botanically termed Ptychopetalum olacoides, is a member of the Olacaceae family. It is endemic to the Brazilian Amazons and also found in the natural state in some parts of the Amazon rainforests….



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked):   Asterids Order:    Lamiales Family:    Lamiaceae Tribe:    Mentheae Genus:    Mentha Type Species:    Mentha spicata Mentha, the common name Mint, derived from the Greek word mint, (Linear B, a script that the Mycenaean Greeks used). This genus belongs to the family Lamiaceae mint….

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Asterales Family:    Asteraceae Tribe:    Cynareae Genus:    Sillybum Species: S. Marianum Binomial Name: Sillybum Marianum Silybum Marianum, commonly known as milk thistle is a herbaceous annual plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. The other synonyms are blessed Milk Thistle, Cardus Marianus,…

Mexican Wild Yam

Mexican Wild Yam

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Monocots Order:    Dioscorea Family:    Dioscoreaceae Genus:    Dioscorea Species: D. Villosa Binomial Name: Dioscorea Villosa The Dioscorea Villosa plant is a tuberous perennial vine from the Dioscoreaceae family. It is one of the species of yam referred to as wild yam. There are around 600 species…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Rosids Order:    Malvales Family:    Malvaceae Genus:    Althaea Species: A. Officinalis Binomial Name: Althaea Officinalis The common marshmallow is botanically known as Althaea Officinalis, a perennial species belonging to the Malvaceae family. Originating in Africa, it was extensively used as a medicinal herb and…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Lamiales Family:    Lamiaceae Genus:    Origanum Species O. Majorana Binomial Name: Origanum Majorana This Origanum Majorana commonly referred to as Marjoram is a perennial shrub belonging to the Lamiacea family. The other botanical names of this herb are Majorana Majorana and Majorana…