Horse Tail

Horse Tail

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Class:    Equisetopsida Order:    Equisetales Family:    Equisetaceae Genus:    Equisetum Species: E. Arvense The order Equisetales has only a lone extant family, the Horsetail family, sometimes also referred to as Equisetaceae, and its single surviving genus, Equisetum consists of about 20 species. Though most living horsetails are relegated under…

Horse Chestnut

Horse Chestnut

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Sapindales Family:    Sapindaceae Genus:    Aesculus Species: A. Hippocastanum Horse chestnut, also known as the Canker Tree, is a deciduous and Synoecious (having both male and female on the same plant) tree. Throughout the temperate world, it is widely cultivated along, the parks and the streets. It has…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Aquifoliales Family:    Aquifoliaceae Genus:    Llex Holly is an evergreen and delicious tree, a genus of the family Aquifoliaceae in the order Aquifoliales. The Holly herb plant is also known as Holm, Hulm, Hulver bush, Holy tree, Christ’s thorn, and Holme Chase. Its other names are winter berry,…

Anxious person

Herbs For Anxiety

Anxiety commonly affects people in this fast life. People can experience anxiety in the form of thoughts that are racing through their minds, worrying, and other symptoms that are common. Ayurveda or herbal medicines are always better to treat diseases, as they have no side effects. For thousands of years, herbal medicines have been used…



Herbalists love all kinds of herbs, the reason being they have very few side effects due to a very effective balance of natural ingredients. Pharmaceutical companies try to create a pure brand by isolating chemicals, obtaining a patent, and deriving huge profits for their effort. One cannot patent herbs because herbs contain scores of some…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Rosales Family:    Cannabaceae Genus:    Cannabis The Hemp herb belongs to the Cannabis genus. The largest producer of hemp herb is China. It is a fast-growing plant. Its oil, seeds, fiber, and nuts are useful It is refined into products such as hemp oil, resin, wax, cloth, rope,…

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn Berry

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Rosales Family:    Rosaceae Genus:    Crataegus Hawthorn berry herb is also known as May Tree, White Thorn, Thorn Apple, and Hawberry. The Hawthorn berry is a small tree or shrub. Its fruit is used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Its leaves are also edible. Its flowers, berries, and…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Sapindales Family:    Sapindaceae Genus:    Paullinia Species: P. Cupana Guarana is a climbing plant of the maple family. An herbal tea is made from the seeds of Guarana. It is a popular energy supplement. As compared to coffee beans it has more caffeine. It can contain 3.6% to…

Green Tea

Green Tea

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Ericales Family:    Theaceae Genus:    Camellia Species: C. Sinensis Green tea or Camellia sinensis is also known as Tisane or herbal tea. It is a beverage made from a decoction or an infusion of herbs. It does not contain caffeine. Green tea is prepared from the curved leaves…

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Apiales Family:    Mackinlayaceae Genus:    Centella Species: C. Asiatica Gotu kola is also known as Cantella Asiatica. It is a perennial flowering plant that belongs to the Mackinlayacea sub-family and Apiaceae family. It is a common herb that is found in most parts of the world and very…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Ranunculales Family:    Ranunculaceae Genus:    Hydrastis Species: H. Canadensis The Goldenseal herb is known as Yellow Puccoon or Orangeroot. It is a perennial herb. It is also known as Eye Balm, Chinese Goldenseal, Ground Raspberry, Jaundice Root, Turmeric Root, Indian Dye, and Eye Root. Its root is used…



Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plantae Order:    Apiales Family:    Araliaceae Genus:    Panax The Ginseng herb is a perennial, slow-growing plant. It is found in Eastern Asia and North America. Mostly it is found in cooler climates. Ginseng is a popular herb that is s used all over the world. Its qualities help in balancing…