Cissus Quadrangularis

Cissus Quadrangularis

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Rosids Order:    Vitales Family:    Vitaceae Genus:    Cissus Species:    C. Quadrangularis Binomial name:    Cissus Quadrangularis This perennial plant Cissus Quadrangularis belongs to the grape family. Its general names are Veldt Grape, Asthisamharaka, Devil’s Backbone, and Hadjod. History Even though there is a…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae Division:   Magnoliophyta Class:  Magnoliopsida Order:    Laurales Family:    Lauraceae Genus:    Cinnamomum Species:    C. Verum Binomial name:    Cinnamomun Verum The dried inner bark of a particular tropical evergreen tree Cinnamomum verum is called Cinnamon. From ancient times, it was used as a spice in savory foods as well…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):     Angiosperms (unranked):     Eudicots (unranked):     Asterids Order:        Apiales Family:        Apiaceae Genus:        Coriandrum Species:       C. sativum Binomial name:        Coriandrum sativum People refer to coriander (Coriandrum sativum) as Dhania, Chinese parsley or Cilantro. This is a yearly yielding herb belonging to the Apiaceae family. Coriander / cilantro grows…

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs

The Chinese traditions have fascinated us from its ancient history, and continue to do so to the present day, especially its medicines and herbs. The herbs of China and Japan are of immense value and the scientists of both countries have claimed credit for putting them to use. . Their arguments have proved to be…

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Lamiales Family:    Lamiaceae Genus:    Salvia Species:    S. Hispanica Binomial name:    Salvia Hispanica The Chia seed, biologically known as Salvia Hispanica, is a genus of flowering plants from the mint family or Lamiaceae Family. It is found extensively in the…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Asterales Family:    Asteraceae Tribe:    Anthemideae Genus:    Matricaria Species:    M. Chamomilla Binomial name:    Matricaria Chamomilla There are many names for Matricaria Chamomilla. They go by the name of German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, wild chamomile, or chamomile; they are also…



In Central and South America, we can see a special species of capsicum called Capsicum Annuum which is native to these regions. It is from the nightshade family. There are five domesticated species of capsicum and the most common among them is the Capsicum Annuum. They are very widely cultivated for culinary use. All five…

Cat's Claw

Cat’s Claw

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Gentianales Family:    Rubiaceae Genus:    Uncaria Species:    U. Tomentosa Binomial name:    Uncaria Tomentosa Cats claw, scientifically known as Uncaria Tomentosa is a woody vine from the Rubiaceae family. This name is also used for other plants as well. In India,…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Lamiales Family:    Lamiaceae Genus:    Nepeta Species:    N. Cataria Binomial name:    Nepeta Cataria Catnip, technically known as Nepeta cataria, is a perennial plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae and genus Nepeta. It has originated from the eastern and southern parts…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Asterales Family:    Asteraceae Tribe:    Senecioneae Genus:    Petasites Species:    P. Hybridus Binomial name:    Petasites Hybridus Butterbur, botanically known as Petasites Hybridus is a herbaceous shrub Petasites genus of the Asteraceae family. It originated from northern Asia and Europe. It…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Asterales Family:    Asteraceae Genus:    Arctium Species:    A. Lappa Binomial name:    Arctium Lappa Arctium, commonly known as Burdock is a biennial herb from the Asteraceae family. There are four different kinds of burdock that were introduced to North America. Arctium…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Plantae (unranked):   Angiosperms (unranked):   Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order:    Unplaced Family:    Boraginaceae Genus:    Borago Species:    B. Officinalis Binomial name:    Borago Officinalis Borago Officinalis, commonly known as Borago is an annual herb from the Boraginaceae family. It is also known as Star Flower. It is indigenous to the Mediterranean…