Robin Eggs Precious & Existential Meaning of Color

Robin Eggs – Precious & Existential Meaning of Color

Humans are convinced at every step of their lives that the world is full of wonders that sometimes can’t be explained and indeed – Robin eggs are one such unique phenomenon. Once you find out the fascinating characteristics associated with Robin eggs, you’ll quickly start to believe that nature knows best how to arrange life…

5 Most Iconic Animal Paintings in Art History

5 Most Iconic Animal Paintings in Art History

Animal-themed paintings are common all around the world. Considering that animals are an integral part of nature, artists often draw inspiration from their beauty and reflect their unique characteristics in their paintings. Interestingly, animal themes are often used not only by modern artists but even the first artworks in the world including animal figures. Specifically,…

Baby Pigeon - Key Characteristics, Personal Traits & Tips for Caring

Baby Pigeon – Key Characteristics, Personal Traits & Tips for Caring

Society considers pigeons to be quite social birds that don’t shy away from being close to people. And indeed — at first glance, these sociable birds seem to have nothing to hide from people. Still, despite such proximity, sometimes it seems like baby pigeons appear out of nowhere. The fact that you haven’t seen a…

Owl Symbolism- Mythology, Folklore & Religion Doctrines

Owl Symbolism: Mythology, Folklore & Religion Doctrines

You will rarely meet a person who is not fascinated by owls. Pop culture references related to owls are everywhere these days, including Harry Potter’s Hedwig or Winnie the Pooh’s Owl. These fiction stories have imprinted owl symbolism in our minds with special beauty. But have you ever wondered why using owls in books, movies,…

Cardinal Bird Meaning

Cardinal Bird Meaning – Symbolism, Significance & Tips to Attract

Are you aiming to explore the Cardinal Bird meaning and the symbolism and significance of seeing this red bird? Saint Exupery’s words from ‘The Little Prince’ — “It’s only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the”eye”—are best suited to the symbolism of this bird and here’s why:…

Sheep Names

Sheep Names – 10+ Extraordinary and Funny Names

In the process of sitting comfortably on your farm and watching your sheep, you have probably thought many times that cute and unique creatures like sheep deserve a name that perfectly expresses their character and identity. Sheep owners find it especially hard to find proper sheep names for members of their flock. But luckily, there…

Deer Names

Deer Names – 11 Most Appealing Names & Their Significance

People who own deer as pets or live in an area that gives them the opportunity to see them in their backyard often wonder what type of names can be suitable for these beautiful animals. In order to choose the proper deer name, they try to choose something that reflects the visual and personal characteristics…

5 Video Games That Help You Escape Into Nature

5 Video Games That Help You Escape Into Nature

Have you ever dreamed of opening a portal directly from your computer screen to escape your daily routine into the wonders of nature?  We have a pleasant surprise for gaming enthusiasts who admire animals, forests, plants, and nature’s other wonders — in today’s gaming industry, there are plenty of high-quality video games that feature nature…

Blood Worms

Blood Worms – Essential Nutrition Facts for Aquarists

Whether you’re a new aquarist or an experienced fish hobbyist, you probably want to know the most nutritious food you can give the fish to promote their health and happiness. Similar to other living organisms, fish in genral require wholesome food for proper functioning. That’s exactly why you might need to consider giving your fish…