Chameleon eating butterfly

What Eats Butterflies?

There are many different creatures that make butterflies part of their diet.  While most humans can not even imagine attempting to eat a butterfly, there are many animals that need to make a meal out of a butterfly to survive.   Some of the common predators of butterflies include but are certainly not limited to:…

Ladybug Eating Aphids

Who Is Eating My Plants?

Garden Eaters: Aphids Aphids are sucking insects in the order Homoptera; aphids are small, soft-bodied, pearl-shaped insects that have a pair of cornicles projecting out from abdomen. Aphids are various colors including black, green, red, yellow, pink, white, brown, grayish, or lavender. Complex life cycle: Over wintering eggs hatch in the spring into wingless females. These…

Ladybug Clip Art

Ladybug Clip Art

FREE Ladybug Clip Art images for you to use on your webpage, in emails, anywhere you need some ladybugs! How to Install Clip Art: Place your mouse over the image. Click on the right mouse button. A menu window will pop up. Highlight the option “Save Picture As…” and then use the left mouse button…

Ladybug Crafts

Fun Ladybug Crafts for Kids

Ladybugs are probably one of the most popular bugs out there especially where kids are concerned.  They represent something whimsical and almost magical.  For that reason, ladybug crafts for kids are always a winner.  They are fun at birthday parties, during summer camp, and of course during the school year.  There are a number of really…

Ladybug Anatomy 1

Ladybug Science Fair Info

Taxonomy How Are Ladybugs Classified? Kingdom: Animalia (All animals) Phylum: Arthopoda (Invertebrates) Class: Insecta (Insects) Order: Coleoptera (Beetles.) Family: Coccinellidae (Lady beetles) Genus: Hippodamia ( Lady beetle type) Species: Convergens (specific ladybug) Want to know what I can do? Get To Know The Super COOL Parts Of My Anatomy! 1. Big Mouth Did you know…


Ladybug Pictures

Seven-spotted Ladybug emerging from its pupae.It takes half a day for the spots to show. Seeing Spots? Ever wonder which ladybug you are looking at? What does a “baby” ladybug (larvae) look like? Did you know there are over 300 types of Ladybugs that live in North America? Ladybugs come in many colors besides red:…