Dog in Long Grass

Elbow Dysplasia in Dogs

Elbow dysplasia most commonly affects large, young dogs and is a frequent cause of front-leg lameness in these pets. Certain breeds are at the highest risk, including rottweilers, labradors and golden retrievers, German shepherds, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, Bassett hounds, Bernese mountain dogs, chows, and bearded collies. The disorder can run in certain families, which indicates…

Skittish Kitten

Skittish Kittens

Skittish is a term to describe cats that are extremely fearful of humans. Skittish kittens run and hide as soon as humans come around. It is a behavior that starts when the cat is young and gets worse if the cat comes upon a mean human, such as a cranky neighbor who shoes the cat…

Dog in Wig Wearing Glasses

Male Dog Names

People always need more male dog names! Here’s a list of the top 50 male dog names, according to VPI pet insurance: Top male dog names As you can see, most people seem to prefer to give their dogs people names. But you could go with a theme. How about football? Or baseball? Lots of…


Cost of Owning a Bird

Many people are surprised to learn how expensive it is to properly maintain a bird. While the cost of owning a small bird is relatively inexpensive, the cost of owning a medium to large parrot usually exceeds that of owning either a cat or dog. Birds are more expensive to care for than most fish,…


Feeding Your Budgie

Budgies are hardy little parrots that can live for ten years if given proper care. One of the most important factors in determining your Budgie’s health and longevity is the quality of nutrition your bird receives. Not so long ago, parrot owners were advised to feed their birds a diet consisting almost entirely of seeds….