Purebred Dog

What Is A Purebred Dog?

The American Kennel Club registers around a million purebred dogs in the United States each year. The United Kennel Club registers about 250,000 purebred dogs annually. Sporting dog registries and other registries register thousands of other purebred dogs each year. So, what is a purebred dog and why are they so popular? The short answer…

Old Dog

Potty Training An Old Dog

If you have recently brought an older dog into your home then you may have discovered he’s not potty trained. This situation happens more often than you might think. According to surveys, soiling in the house is one of the top reasons why owners surrender their dogs to shelters. If you adopt one of these…

Man with Hunting Dog

Popular Hunting Dogs

Hunting dogs consist of both the sporting dog breeds (retrievers, pointers, spaniels, setters) and the hound breeds (scent hounds and sight hounds). These dogs make up some of the most popular breeds, according to the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, and other sources. Some people still hunt with these dogs, while others simply…

Black Cat

Cat Superstitions That Will Leave You Wondering

Dog people don’t know what they’re missing…they don’t get to enjoy the rich history and the air of mystery and myth that surround their furry companions.Cats have a heritage that can fill volumes, dating back to ancient mythology and spanning the world in culture. Cat superstitions are fun for some, scary for others, and always…