Man with Hunting Dog

Popular Hunting Dogs

Hunting dogs consist of both the sporting dog breeds (retrievers, pointers, spaniels, setters) and the hound breeds (scent hounds and sight hounds). These dogs make up some of the most popular breeds, according to the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, and other sources. Some people still hunt with these dogs, while others simply…

Black Cat

Cat Superstitions That Will Leave You Wondering

Dog people don’t know what they’re missing…they don’t get to enjoy the rich history and the air of mystery and myth that surround their furry companions.Cats have a heritage that can fill volumes, dating back to ancient mythology and spanning the world in culture. Cat superstitions are fun for some, scary for others, and always…

Cats Face

Therapeutic Diets for Cats

Therapeutic diets for cats are specially targeted formulas that assist in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases and illnesses. They can have a big impact on the quality of life of your cat, working in conjunction with traditional medicine to aid recovery or prevent an illness from developing further. They can…


Grooming Products For Dogs

Whether you have a shorthaired dog or a longhaired dog — or even an adorable wirehaired terrier — there are some must-have grooming products for your dog. When it comes to grooming products for dogs, your dog can have more brushes, sprays, shampoos, conditioners, and gadgets than you do! Here’s the low-down on grooming products…

Dogs in Boat

Dog Flea Repellent

Fleas and ticks can cause not only discomfort problems in our pets, but also many different health issues ranging from mild to severe. From skin irritation and reactions of the allergic variety to anemia and in some instances, even death, when it comes to protecting your dog from fleas you can never be too cautious….

Girl and Cat

Why do Cats Purr?

Many cat owners have probably asked the question “why do cats purr“. A few years ago a company released two similar products. One claimed to be able to interpret the meaning of a dog’s bark. The other claimed to interpret the real meaning behind a cat’s purring and meowing. Well, many take those claims with…

Small Dog

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws

Dogs can lick their paws for lots of reasons, ranging from an injury to anxiety. Sometimes the cause is something physical and sometimes it’s something psychological. It’s always a good idea to pay attention to this behavior and find out why your dog is doing it. Many times something that begins with a physical cause…