Dog in Bed

Diabetes Mellitus and Dogs

Within the body, cells use glucose, a simple type of sugar, as their primary source of energy. However, glucose cannot pass easily out of the blood and into cells without the help of the hormone insulin. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that develops when either the body makes too little insulin or it cannot respond…

Mixed Poodle

Popular Poodle Mixed Breeds

You may have wondered why it’s so popular to crossbreed Poodles with other breeds. Poodles have curly coats that shed very little. They are considered virtually hypoallergenic. When crossed with other breeds they often produce puppies that share this trait, or which shed less than the other parent breed. They are also very intelligent dogs…

Dog Licking

Switching Dog Food

The bag of dog food is empty and your starving dog looks at you imploringly with those big brown eyes, beseeching you to scoop kibble into their dish. It does not matter that he ate five minutes ago and that is why the bag is empty, dogs are always ready for another meal and look…

Dog Face

Changing Dog Foods

Changing dog foods can be problematic for many people and for their dogs. To change or not to change? And, if you do change dog food, there’s no guarantee that the new food will be any better for your dog than the food you were previously using. How do you know if you should change…

Grey Cat

Is Dental Care Really all that Important for My Cat?

Yes! Cats develop many of the same dental diseases as people: plaque, tartar, gingivitis, periodontal disease, loose or broken teeth, etc. These disorders can cause bad breath, oral pain, and difficulty eating. Infections associated with dental disease can even spread to other regions of the body damaging the kidneys, liver, and other organ systems. As…