Dog on Grass

Prostate Cancer in Dogs

Prostate cancer is a disease of elderly dogs, affecting dogs between 8 and 10 years of age. It’s not a common disease; studies suggest that the incidence of this type of cancer is only 0.6%. Although it is rare, when it does occur the prognosis is poor. What is the Prostate Gland? The Prostate gland…

English Setter Dog

English Setter Trivia

The English Setter is one of the most beautiful and graceful of all dogs. These elegant dogs have been working bird dogs since at least the 16th century and there is evidence to suggest that they may date back a couple of hundred years prior to that time. Today the English Setter is primarily an…

Black and White Cat

Raw Food Diet for Cats

Have you ever wondered what cats were eating for dinner way back before we started preparing dry cat food pellets and canning cat food? Well, as it turns out, cats were eating all sorts of critters we most likely don’t want to think about. Items cats eat in the wild include mice, small mammals, birds,…

Sleeping Cat

Homeopathy for Cats

A homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that takes advantage of the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek “homoios” meaning similar and pathos meaning “suffering.” Homeopathic treatment can be applied to humans, and also to animals. The philosophy behind homeopathy advocates that “like cures like.” The way…


Buying Birds Online

Anyone interested in purchasing a bird has a number of options. Some people head to their local pet store or a bird specialty shop and choose from the birds available. Others may glean the classifieds or contact a bird rescue organization, hopeful to adopt a bird in need. An individual might even be fortunate enough…