Sleeping Cat

Homeopathy for Cats

A homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that takes advantage of the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek “homoios” meaning similar and pathos meaning “suffering.” Homeopathic treatment can be applied to humans, and also to animals. The philosophy behind homeopathy advocates that “like cures like.” The way…


Buying Birds Online

Anyone interested in purchasing a bird has a number of options. Some people head to their local pet store or a bird specialty shop and choose from the birds available. Others may glean the classifieds or contact a bird rescue organization, hopeful to adopt a bird in need. An individual might even be fortunate enough…


Is Dental Care Really All That Important for My Dog?

Imagine the state of your mouth if you never brushed your teeth and never visited the dentist – yuck! Bad breath, plaque, tartar, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and painful broken or loose teeth can all be left undiagnosed and untreated when routine dental care is ignored. And don’t forget that your dog’s mouth is connected to the…

Dog in Snow

How Long do Dogs Live?

The short answer to ‘How long do dogs live’ is not long enough! The heartache of bringing a dog, or any pet for that matter, into your life as a friend, companion, and member of the family is that their lives are too short. Even if they outlive the breed expectations, time moves too quickly,…


Cats and Milk

Cats and milk go together just like 10 years olds and Kool-Aid. Whenever I make myself a bowl of cereal with milk in it, my cats surround me like a kitty mob, waiting for their turn to lap up some of my delicious milk. Sometimes I give them some because, like a mob of people,…

Dog on Grass

Common Dog Breeds

Everyone has their favorite dog breed. In the United States, the most common dog breeds have remained mostly the same for many years. The Labrador Retriever has been the most popular breed in terms of registrations with the American Kennel Club for over 20 years. Most of the top five breeds have been popular for…

White Dog

Dog Health Library

AbscessesACL InjuriesAcneAcute Renal FailureAddison’s DiseaseAdrenal Gland TumorsAllergiesAnal Sac DiseaseAnaphylactic ShockAnemiaAnthraxAntifreeze PoisoningAortic StenosisArthritisAsthmaAtopyAural HematomasBabesiosisBartonellosisBladder StonesBlindnessBloatBone CancerBrachycephalic Airway SyndromeBrain TumorsBronchitisCancerCardiomyopathyCataractsCherry EyeChocolate PoisoningChronic Renal FailureCleft PalateCoccidia InfectionColitisConjunctivitisConstipationCorneal UlcerCoughingCryptorchidismCushing’s DiseaseDeafnessDehydrationDental DisordersDermatitisDermoid CystsDiabetesDiarrheaDistemperDry EyeDystociaEar InfectionsEar MitesEating GrassEclampsiaEctopic UretersEctropionEczemaEhrlichiosisElbow DysplasiaEmphysemaEntropionEpilepsyFalse PregnancyFleasFliesFollicular DysplasiaFood AllergiesGastritisGastrointestinal ObstructionGiardiaGingivitisGlaucomaGrowing Pains Hair LossHalitosisHeart MurmursHeartbeat ArrhythmiaHeartworm DiseaseHeat StrokeHelicobacter InfectionHepatitisHerniasHerpesvirus InfectionHip DysplasiaHistoplasmosisHookwormHydrocephalusHypertensionHypoglycemiaHypothyroidismIdiopathicInfertilityInfluenzaKennel CoughKidney DiseaseLactose IntoleranceLeptospirosisLeukemiaLiceLiver DiseaseLupusLyme DiseaseLymphomaMangeMast Cell TumorsMelanomaMeningitisMitesMotion…

Dog on Bench

Treating Dog Cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating to a dog owner, but it is not necessarily a death sentence for the dog. Cancer is usually detected when it either forms a distinct tumor that’s quite noticeable, or it leads to organ failure and its associated symptoms. For example, a kidney tumor in a dog may cause…