Upside Down Catfish

Upside Down Catfish

Scientific classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:      Chordata Class:          Actinopterygii Order:        Siluriformes Family:       Mochokidae The Upside Down Catfish is a member of the Mochokidae family. The other synonym for this fish is ‘dwarf Upside Down Catfish’, and it is biologically termed Synodontis Nigriventris. The other species of the same genus are also termed Upside Down Catfish, namely…

Algae Sucker Fish


Scientific classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:               Actinopterygii Order:              Siluriformes Family:            Loricariidae Genus:              Hypostomus Species:           H. Plecostomus Binomial name: Hypostomus Plecostomus The different varieties of Plecostomus freshwater catfish which the usual aquarists sell are called, Plecostomus, the Pleco, or just Plec. Some of the fish in this group are Different types of…

Green Terror

Green Terror

Scientific classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:      Chordata Class:          Actinopterygii Order:        Perciformes Family:       Cichlidae Subfamily:  Cichlasomatinae Genus:        Andinoacara Species:      A. Rivulets Binomial name: Andinoacara Rivulatus For several years hobbyists in the aquarium field were uncertain about the identity of the Andinoacara Rivulatus. The morphs of both the colors, white and gold the “White Saum” or the “Gold…

Glass Catfish

Glass Catfish

Scientific classification Domain:          Eukaryota Kingdom:        Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Subphylum:     Vertebrata Superclass:      Osteichthyes Class:               Actinopterygii Subclass:         Neopterygii Infraclass:       Teleostei Superorder:     Ostariophysi Order:              Siluriformes Family:            Siluridae Genus:              Kryptopterus Species:           K. Vitreolus Binomial name: Kryptopterus Vitreolus You can find Catfish species everywhere. Its family belongs to the Siluriformes Group, which consists of about 30 families…

Jaguar Cichlid

Jaguar Cichlid

Scientific Classification Kingdom:        Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:                Actinopterygii Order:               Perciformes Family:            Cichlidae Subfamily:      Cichlasomatinae Genus:                           Parachromis Species:          P. Managuense Binomial name: Parachromis Managuensis Parachromis Managuensis, a big freshwater cichlid, indigenous to the Central regions of America, was discovered in Costa Rica in Honduras.  Scientifically, this name has a reference to Lake…

Black Neon Tetra

Black Neon Tetra

Scientific classification Kingdom:     Animalia Phylum:        Chordata Class:             Actinopterygii Order:           Characiformes Family:          Characidae Genus:          Hyphessobrycon Species:        H. Herbertaxelrodi Binomial name: Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi The black neon tetra, scientifically named Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi, is of the freshwater variety and belongs to the Coercion Group (Characidae family) and of the Characiformes order. They are indigenous to the Paraguay basin…

Ryukin Goldfish

Ryukin Goldfish

The Ryukin goldfish is a deep-bodied, short, and fancy goldfish and it has a characteristic hump in the shoulder area. This fish is an attractive and hardy specimen of a goldfish and it has a pointed head. The Ryukin goldfish may be short-finned or long-finned. It is a twin-tail fish, and it has a pair…

Jack Dempsey Cichlid

Jack Dempsey Cichlid

Scientific classification Kingdom:        Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:              Actinopterygii Order:              Perciformes Family:            Cichlidae Subfamily:       Cichlasomatinae Genus:              Rocio Species:           R. Octofasciata Binomial name: Rocio Octofasciata The Jack Dempsey belongs to the cichlid group, endemic to the Central and Northern regions of America, extending from south of Mexico to Honduras. Its scientific name is Rocio…

Pictus catfish

Pictus catfish

Pimelodus pictus is otherwise called Pictus Catfish. This fish is just 11 cm (4.3 inches in length. It is associated with the Pimelodidae Catfish Family, indigenous to the Orinoco and Amazon River basins. The Pictus catfish is normally a freshwater aquarium pet. In the commercial market, there are instances of the Pictus catfish being taken…



Scientific classification Kingdom:       Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:             Actinopterygii Order:                        Perciformes Family:           Cichlidae Subfamily:      Pseudocrenilabrinae Tribe:             Chromidotilapiini Genus:           Pelvicachromis Species:          P. Pulcher Binomial name: Pelvicachromis pulcher Pelvicachromis pulcher is a fish of the fresh waters, belonging to the Cichlid Group; they are widespread in Cameroon and Nigeria. This variety is well-known among aquarium…

Iridescent Shark

Iridescent Shark

Scientific classification Kingdom:                Animalia Phylum:                  Chordata Class:                        Actinopterygii Order:                       Siluriformes Family:                    Pangasiidae Genus:                       Pangasianodon Species:                   P. Hypophthalmus Binomial name: Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus The Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus, commonly known as Iridescent Shark is not a species of Shark family, instead, it belongs to the Catfish group, which belongs to…

Cardinal Tetra

Cardinal Tetra

Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:               Actinopterygii Order:              Characiforme Family:            Characidae Genus:              Paracheirodon Species:           P. Axelrodi Binomial name: Paracheirodon axelrodi The Cardinal Tetra is scientifically named Paracheirodon Axelrod., This belongs to the Characin Group (Characidae family); is a freshwater fish. It is of the Characiformes Order, indigenous to the Negro Rivers…