Monk Parakeets

Quaker Parrot

The Quaker Parrot, commonly known as Monk Parakeet, belongs to the Psittacidae family. This group consists of small green parrots, and it is the only species in the Myiopsitta genus. It is endemic to regions from Argentina’s subtropical areas to the temperate regions and the nearby countries situated in South America. The normal lifespan of…


Talking birds

Talking birds are those birds that can mimic human speech. Scientists and researchers have not yet arrived at a conclusion regarding the aptitude for languages present in the birds. Different species of birds have different levels of talking ability. Some can mimic almost all words, whereas some can only speak a few. The common pet…

African Grey Parrot

African Gray Parrots

The African Gray Parrots, more commonly known as Congo African Gray Parrots are a vulnerable type of species in the parrot group that belongs to the Psittacidae family. This parrot is a lovable and social creature, preferred by the entire pet lovers. It is endemic to the central and western rainforests in Africa. Description This…



Doves or pigeons are from the Columbidae family, which has around 300 species of birds. Doves and Pigeons find an interchange in the use of their names, but in Ornithology, Doves represent smaller species of birds, whereas Pigeons represent the larger ones. A special type of feral domestic species often found in large cities is…



Quail is a common term used to describe small birds from the order Galliformes. The New World Quail belongs to the Odontophoridae family and the Old World Quail is placed in the Phasianidae family. It is a small bird with a round body structure. Quail is 7.1 to 8.6 inches in length and 91 to…

Green budgerigar

Budgies / Budgerigars

The Budgerigars are commonly known as Budgies or common pet parakeets. Their biological term is Melopsittacus Undulates. These are small, long-tailed parrots that prefer eating seeds. They are the single species present in the Melopsittacus genus.  They are the inhabitants of the harsh inland and drier parts of Australia for the past 5 million years. The original…



Parrot species come in diverse sizes and body configurations and range from diminutive to medium sizes. The parakeet belongs to this large group of parrots and belongs to multiple genera that are characterized by long and beautiful tail feathers. Parakeets were also called paraquet or paroquet during the older times. History You can find Parakeets…

Sun Conure Parrot Bird

Sun Conure

The Sun Conures or the Sun Parakeets are biologically termed Aratinga Solstitialis. These are medium-sized parrots that belong to the Psittacidae family and the Arini tribe. These yellow-colored pretty birds are endemic to the Southern parts of America. It is a preferred species in aviculture, as these birds are very active, vocal, and affectionate. It has…



Conures, belonging to the subfamily Arinae, generally consist of small to medium size of parrots from the New World group. This subfamily consists of parrots from many different genera that differ in size and appearance. The largest Conure ever found is the Patagonian Conure. They are a very commonly preferred pet due to their size…

Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth Macaw, biologically termed Anodorhynchus Hyacinthinus, is a member of the Psittacidae family and the Anodorhynchus genus. These birds are large parrots, endemic to Brazil. In fact, it is the largest species present in the parrot group with a height of around 3.3 feet. Most of the Hyacinth can fly, except the Kakapo species…

Rainbow Lorikeets

Lories & Lorikeets

Lories and Lorikeets belong to the tribe called “Lorini;” the size of these birds is tiny to average. They are parrots that dwell in trees and are peculiar on account of their tongues tipped like a brush that helps them in sucking nectar from different kinds of soft texture fruits like berries and flowers. The…

Two Cockatoos Catching On Perch


The Cockatoo belongs to a parrot variety of 21 species in the family Cacatuidae the sole family under the super-family Cacatuoidea. The true parrots or the Psittacoidea, and the New Zeeland variety of large parrots, the Strigopoidea, together with the Cockatoos contribute to the order of parrots called the Psittaciformes, Mainly distributed in Australia; you…