Koi Fish

Koi Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom:       Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:              Actinopterygii Order:             Cypriniformes Family:            Cyprinidae Genus:             Cyprinus Species:           C. Carpio Subspecies:     C. Haematopterus Koi fish, also known as Nishikigoi is a group of ornamental fish that belongs to the Cyprinidae family. It is basically a type of domesticated carp fish that is grown in outdoor ponds…

Discus Fish

Discus Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:         Actinopterygii Order:        Piciformes Family:      Cichlidae Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae Tribe:         Heroini Genus:       Symphysodon Discus Fish, scientifically termed Symphysodon, is a species of Cichlid fish group that belongs to the Cichlidae family. The other synonym for this fish is Pompadour fish, and it is a very popular species among pet fish…

A diamond tetra fish. Photo: Michael Palmer / photorasa.com

Tetra Fish

The Tetra Fish belonging to the Characidae family is an inhabitant of Africa and South as well as Central America. The distinctive feature of these fish is that they possess adipose fins between caudal and dorsal fins. These fish are so popular in fish keeping that the other fish of the same size are also…

Neon Tetra. Photo: André Karwath

Neon Tetra

The Paracheirodon Innesi, commonly known as Neon Tetra, belongs to the Characiformes order and Characin family. It is a fish from the freshwater category and is endemic to the clear water or Blackwater streams situated in Southeastern Colombia, Brazil, and eastern parts of Peru. This species is also found in some tributaries, where the water…

Rummy Nose Tetra Fish

Rummynose Tetra Fish

Hemigrammus Rhodostomus, commonly known as Rummy Nose Tetra belongs to the family of Characin fish that inhabits the tropical freshwaters. They are endemic to the South American regions and are a favorite of the fish hobbyist. They are the small tetra species that grow up to 5cm when mature. They look very similar to the other species…

Congo Tetra. Photo: André Karwath

Congo Tetra

The Congo Tetra, biologically called Phenacogrammus Interruptus, is an incredible and gorgeous species of Tetra fish from the African Characin family. The body of this Tetra species displays an array of rainbow colors that will glow in your fish tank. This unique color combination and beautiful body structure make them the most preferred Tetra by fish hobbyists….

Glowlight Tetra. Photo: Nevit Dilmen

Glowlight Tetra

Hemigrammus erythrozonus, in general, called Glowlight Tetra, is a tiny fish found in the tropical regions of the River Essequibo, Guyana, in the continent of South America. Its color is silver, striped with brilliant shimmering orange-red from the snout up to the bottom of the tail, the frontal portion of the dorsal fin is of…

Guppy Fish

Guppy Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom:       Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:  Actinopterygii Order:              Cyprinodontiformes Family:   Poeciliidae Genus: Poecilia Species:           P. Reticulata The Guppy, whose scientific name is Poecilia Reticulata, is otherwise called rainbow fish and also Million Fish. This fish is spread extensively all over the world and is one of the main well-known varieties of fish in…


Zebra Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom:       Animalia Phylum:      Chordata Class:               Actinopterygii Order:              Cypriniformes Family:           Cyprinidae Genus:              Danio Species:           D. Rerio Binomial Name: Danio Rerio The zebrafish has its scientific name as Danio Rerio. This fish belongs to the tropics. It is a freshwater fish of the minnow group called Cyprinidae, which is of the Cypriniformes…

Cichlid Fish

Cichlid Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:          Chordata Class:               Actinopterygii Order:            Perciformes Suborder:       Labroidei Family:           Cichlidae Cichlid fish belong to the Perciformes order and Cichlidae family. They are very popular among freshwater fish hobbyists. The family is vast and diverse with more than 1650 species scientifically described. There is still an estimation of more than…

Red Asian Arowana. Photo: Elma / Reykjavík

Arowana Fish – Everything about Aquatic World’s Lucky Charm

Looking for a special addition to your aquarium that could bring you good luck? Consider the captivating arowana fish since these extraordinary creatures are cherished symbols of fortune in various cultures, especially within the realm of Feng Shui. Arowanas are renowned for representing power, strength, and prosperity. Many believe that having an Arowana fish in…



The Killifish are endemic to all over Asia, Africa, North America, and regions of Europe. These fish are found in all freshwater habitats. There are over 500 varieties of them in this family. Many of them are indigenous to brackish water and some do live in fresh salt water. Killifish are famous for their adaptiveness….