Angelfish. Photo: Mendel


Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Perciformes Family Cichlidae Subfamily Cichlasomatinae Tribe Heroini Genus Pterophyllum The Angelfish is a trendy fish kept in aquariums, and by all means they add to the attractiveness of the aquarium with much elegance. Still, it is not very easy for you to take care of this…

Betta Fish

Betta Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:    Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order:   Perciformes Family:  Osphronemidae Subfamily:                 Macropodusinae Genus:  Betta These attractive Betta fish have exciting colors and graceful tails, and many consider the brightly shining Betta as one of the few pretty freshwater fish for aquariums. The arrangements needed for the Betta Fish to prosper and live long,…

Betta Fish

Betta Fish Care

The Siamese fighting fish, called Betta or Betta Splendens originated from the mucky ponds, rice paddy fields, and streams of Thailand. The Betta Splendens that were found at first had tiny fins and pale colors. The fins of the modern Betta Fish are long and graceful, and you can see them in an assortment of…

Elephant-nose Fish

Elephant-nose Fish

Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Osteoglossiformes Family Mormyridae Genus Gnathonemus Species G. Petersii Gnathonemus Petersii, commonly known as Peters’ Elephant-nose fish is a species of fish from the freshwater group, endemic to Africa. It is a member of the genus Gnathonemus. The other synonyms for this fish are Long-Nosed Elephant Fish,…


Goldfish Care

Goldfish, scientifically termed as Carassius Auratus is a popular freshwater fish belonging to the  Cyprinidae family and Cypriniformes order. It is said to be one of the oldest fish used in aquarium keeping and continues to be the most common fish found in the fish aquarium. They are golden-colored, beautiful, small fish from the Carp family….


Fancy Goldfish

Introduction Carassius Auratus, more commonly termed Fancy Goldfish or Fancies are members of the Carp family. The flowing, long fins and vibrant color patterns differentiate them from the other common Goldfish like Comet Goldfish. They do not attain a body length of a Koi fish, hence these small structured fish are a very preferred type…

Fantail Goldfish

Fantail Goldfish

Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Cypriniformes Family Cyprinidae Genus Carassius Species C. Auratus Carassius Auratus, also known as Fantail Goldfish belongs to the Cyprinidae family. The Japanese version of this Fantail species is the Ryukin Goldfish, which has a more curved back and a caudal fin with more width than a…

Oranda Goldfish

Oranda Goldfish

The Oranda Goldfish is a type of Goldfish, belonging to the Carp family. The main distinguishing feature that distinguishes this fish from the common Goldfish is the hood, which is present on the Oranda fish head. This head growth is also termed “wen”, and it sometimes covers the whole head except the mouth. These fish…

Bubble Eye Goldfish. Photo: Angie Torres

Bubble Eye Goldfish

The Bubble Eye Goldfish, hailing from the Cyprinidae family is a distinguished variety of small Goldfish. As the name suggests, the versatile feature of this Goldfish is the big sacs under the eyes. This fish does not possess a dorsal fin; instead, it has a plain back. These are very sensitive creatures and bad swimmers owing…

Ladybug Eating Insects

Ladybugs Helping Gardeners

The scientific name for a ladybug is a Coccinellidae, which means ‘little red sphere’, or Coleoptera, which means ‘sheath-winged’, but most people just call them ladybugs, lady beetles, or ladybird beetles. There are different versions of how these beetles came to be known as ladybugs, but one of the most popular versions is that during…

Ladybugs Eating

What Do Ladybugs Eat?

So what do ladybugs eat?  Most ladybugs are predators. They eat other insects, most of which are considered pests to humans who like to grow plants for food or beauty. They are often called a ‘gardener’s best friend’.     The most common insects that ladybugs eat are aphids, which are a serious pest of plants….

Yellow and Black Ladybug

Ladybug Species

When you want to learn all there is to know about ladybugs, ladybug classification is just one thing you should know.  For such small, whimsical insects, ladybugs are extremely interesting.  For instance, many entomologists (people who study bugs) actually believe ladybugs should be called ‘lady beetles’. That brings us to the first facet of ladybug classification…