
Types of Bats

Bats, otherwise called flying foxes are mammals that are able to fly. They fit in the Chiropteran order as the mammals of the second largest group. The experts account for approximately 1100 bats types the world over. You do not see them in the Polar Region, since they prefer warm climates. 70% of them live…

The Seminole Bat

The Seminole Bat

Lasiurus Seminolus, better known as the Seminole bat, is medium in size.  It is dark in color, characterized by brown fur that is the color of deep, rich mahogany.  However, its appearance is not dark, due to frosted tips that give these bats a distinctly red, almost maroon, color. That is what makes them different from…


The Pallid Bat

The Pallid Bat (Antrozous Pallidus) is a very large bat. As its name implies, it is pale in color, with yellow and brown tones. Even its ears are large, at two and a half centimeters. They are wide as well, not to mention naked, with nine to eleven lines crossing them in a transversal pattern….

Long Legged Bat

The Long Legged Bat

As their name implies, Long-legged bats, the Myotis Volans, are fairly long bats.  Their tails are long, their ears are short, and they have big feet as well.  Surprisingly, given that they are known specifically as long-legged bats, the length of their legs is not readily known.  However, all of their other measurements have been…

Long Eared Bats

The Long Eared Bats

Myotis Septentrionalis, better known simply as the Northern Long-eared Bat is located in different parts of the eastern portion of the United States, as long as they are heavily forested.  However, despite their wide distribution, they are also quite sparse.  There are many forested regions of Canada where you can find the Northern Long-eared Bat…


Save the Bats

Of the 900 species of bats in the world, only 45 of them live in the United States, and most of these species are quite localized, such as the Indiana bats that only use nine caves in Indiana to hibernate in during the winter months. Of those 45 species of American bats, seven of them…

Little Brown Bat

The Little Brown Bat

Have you heard about the Big Brown Bat?  Well, now it is time to discuss the Little Brown Bat, which is also known, scientifically, as Myotis Lucifugus. Although these bats are qualified as being medium in size, they really are small compared to most of their brethren. They only measure four inches long on average and their…

Fruit Bat

About Fruit Bats

Fruit bats are some of the most popular bats in the world– they are furry, cute mammals and do not inspire the fear that some people have of bats.  In this article, we will explore some fruit bat facts that you may not know about, for example, did you know that another name for a…

Bat illustration

Free Bat Clip Arts

Images for you to use on your webpage, in emails, anywhere you need some bats! Save the thumbnail or click on it to save a larger view. How to Install Clip Art: Place your mouse over the image. Click on the right mouse button. A menu window will pop up. Highlight the option “Save Picture…

Evening Bat

About Evening Bats

One of the most distinct features about the Evening Bat, Nycticeius Humeralis, that you may notice is that it looks almost exactly like a Brown bat. While the Evening bat is quite a bit smaller than the Big Brown bat, the glossy brown fur, black face, feet and wings give it the impression that it…