Pet Snake

Pet Snakes

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Reptilia Order:  Squamata Family:  Ophidia Suborder:  Serpentes Infraorders:  Alethinophidia, Scolecophidia Most people have varied pet interests, but employ safe and secure means to pet them. Some animals like dogs and cats are easy, but those wanting to own a pet snake are a breed of their own. Snakes are…

Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos live in the dry grassland region or rocky areas of Asia. During the day, to keep away from the heat, they take shelter in burrows or beneath rocks. Only when they come out at dusk, are they normally visible? They are visible only at dusk when they are out. The Leopard gecko’s body…

Leaf-Tailed Geckos

Leaf-Tailed Geckos – Make Excellent Pets

It is clear that people refer to the Flat-Tailed Gecko as the leaf-tailed gecko. Madagascar is the only home to all eight species of Leaf-Tailed Gecko, although the  Oakland Zoo claims ten species that belong to the family “Uroplatus”. These Geckos are excellent pets. These pets from Madagascar vary from 10-30 cm (4”-10”) in length….

Knob Tailed Gecko

Knob Tailed Gecko

Plump-Bodied With Large Heads, Slender Limbs and With Short Digits Genus Nephrus comprises of nine species of Knob-tailed geckos. The distinguishing factors of the members include slender limbs, plumb bodies, and large heads. They have small paw lamellae as well as claws. Small granular scales mixed with tubercles cover the body. All members will have…

Helmeted Gecko

Helmeted Gecko

The cryptic and variable coloration provides excellent camouflage The Helmeted Gecko, a terrestrial gecko species also known as Geckonia chazaliae, is monotypic species usually found in the rocky regions of the coast of Morocco that extends slightly into south and north bordering Mauritania and Senegal. These species take protection under rocks and garbage during the…

House Gecko

House Gecko

Fast Becoming Popular in the Pet Trade All Over America Hailing from the tropics of Asia, Hemidactylus Frenatus, or the popularly called Mediterranean House Gecko settled all over America by migrating on ships. Believed to live in the homes in southeastern and western areas of America, this species of the common house gecko is fast…

Halmahera Gecko

Halmahera Gecko

With a Skin Extremely Delicate for Handling Gehyra marginata commonly known as Halmahera geckos, originate from the hot and humid tropical regions of Asia. Some people call these species Moluccan geckos. Halmahera geckos are common though not as easily found as the leopard geckos. Their skin is very soft and too delicate for handling. Anatomy…

Green Gecko

Green Geckos – the Wonder of Northland New Zealand

The outstanding color of Naultinus, a type of gecko regularly found in New Zealand, signifies them as Green Geckos. The experts have detailed eight types of this variety, whereas other varieties of North Island are still awaiting scientific description. The species in this genus are extraordinary because they share so many common traits that set…

Golden Gecko

Golden Gecko

Restless, Easily Stressed but If Properly Dealt, You Can Domesticate Them Golden geckos, known as Gekkobadenil, live in the damp tropic rainforests of Vietnam and the North Eastern region of India. The male grows to about 7 to 8 inches and the female to about 5 to 6 inches. Golden geckos dislike people handling them….

Gecko Meaning

Gecko Meaning/ Symbolism

Representing Cycle of Life Including Change, Conversion Birth, Death, Rebirth and Metamorphosis The lizard is of symbolic significance to many civilizations and cultures. For instance, as per Roman mythology, there was a notion that the lizard would sleep all through winter and so symbolized death and renaissance, whereas all over the Mediterranean the lizard is…