Angelfish. Photo: Mendel


Scientific Classification


The Angelfish is a trendy fish kept in aquariums, and by all means they add to the attractiveness of the aquarium with much elegance. Still, it is not very easy for you to take care of this fish except if you are aware of the fish and its necessities. The scientific name of this Angel Fish in freshwater is Pterophyllum Scalare which is the name derived from the Greek word, which means “Winged leaf “and the meaning of “scalare” is “like a flight of stairs”; this corresponds to its dorsal fin. Angelfish are crosswise compressed or in other words, they appear as a disc with edges and extended fins emerging from the top as well from the base. It has 2 ‘feelers’ either at the bottom fin or in front of the anal. The orientation of its tail is in the vertical direction, perhaps in the shape of a scooped shovel. Some are comparatively thin, which depends on the variety.



It is estimated that the different species of angelfish number about  100; they are inhabitants of the southern hemisphere. The varieties of angelfish are numerous, living in the freshwater rivers of South America (freshwater angels). Marine Angelfish inhabits the salty ocean waters

Description – Members of the Cichlid Family

These freshwater angelfish belongs to the cichlid family. They are the original inhabitants of South America. The well known Oscar Fish, Parrot Fish. Jack Dempsey’s are included in this family.

A well looked after angelfish will most probably grow to a maximum length of six inches when fully grown at the age of one and a half years. Suppose they are cared for in an extremely big aquarium where the fishes are of limited number, they grow about ten hinges, even though in captivity they are rarely seen.


On the verge of breeding, angelfish also choose their own mates. In case they are in groups, they select a location in the aquarium as their own and further protect them from the other mates in the tank. Once privacy is established, the pair selects a surface in the tank which is flat. Then they will tidy the surface for about 24 hours. Further, the female lays the eggs and the male, fertilizes the eggs. This process continues many times for almost 2 hours. The eggs get fully fertilized after 24 hours. The parents keep a close watch over the eggs and the babies emerging from them while hatching, since angelfish are not habituated to  eating their fry.

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Angelfish varieties

As the majority of changes in gene structure is absent in nature on account of their differences, the aquarium breeder  is capable of  selectively  breeding them for obtaining a fresh strain.

Silver Angelfish

The wild Angel’s usual color is, a white body, having 4 dark vertical stripes marked on the body. The first stripe runs through the eye, the second stripe, in normally facing the bottom and top fin, the third stripe runs amid the top and bottom fin and the fourth stripe is at the commencement of the tail fin. Amid the dark stripes,  at times there are dull stripes passing through. In certain varieties, black colored speckles are observed above the upper half of the body.

 Zebra Angelfish

The Zebra resembles the Silvers; however, their vertical stripes are more progressive along the tail.

Black Lace Angelfish

The solid black types are the new generation of the Black Lace. The main dissimilarity in the black lace and the silvers is that of the color intensity, particularly on the fins, where you find the effect of a Lace. When 2 black laces mate, the chances are 25% Black, 25 % Silver and 50% Black lace. The fry of the Black are very delicate and only a few of them survive to swim freely, these survived ones need separation from those energetic litter-mates.

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Black Angelfish

This type of fish is velvet black in color and robust. When a Black Angelfish mates with a Black Lace, there is chances of, 50% Black lace and 50% Black. In case two Blacks mate, the chance is 100% black

Half Black Angelfish

Half Blacks are what their name means, with the frontal portion of their body white in color and black markings all along the bottom, top and along the stretches of the fins on the tail.

Veiltail Angelfish

The fins of the Veiltail are extremely long; they exist in all types of colors. By breeding Silver and a Veil Angel, there are chances of getting 50% silver and 50% Veil. When 2 Veils are bred, the chances are 50% Veil, 25% common Angels and 25% veils of long tailed veils. This Veil’s tail and fins are longer than the Veil. When you breed 2 long tailed veils, you will get 100% Long Tailed Veils, however, their spawns are not that long and they are not energetic. The fins of certain Veils are so long that they bend and at the most break.

Marble Angelfish

In place of the common black stripes, the marble fish have intermittent designs of silver and black stripes in the form of marble. In the regions of the back and head there are chances of traces of golden color whilst the fins are colored with white and black rays. When you breed a Black Lace with a Marble, some of the fry possesses the distinctiveness of the two parents with Black Lace Marble design.

Growing at Home


Bring up your angel fish in a big tank and ensure that you have a good system of filter which does not provide a surplus of currents in the water; the reason is, angels are not good swimmers. Your angels are healthier and happier, with the best water conditions; this reduces the stress in the Angels. The smallest size of tank for breeding a pair of angels is 15 gallons. However, a 25 gallon tank or  more are advisable in case you desire the fry being with their parents. It would be inconvenient to have a full grown pair of angels, along with 200 to 300 fry, cramped in a small tank. The other benefits of a large tank are, the feeling of security as the fish proliferates. Besides, the parents are not quick enough to eat their eggs or the young ones.

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Angel fish is capable existing merely consuming flake food. However, angel fish breeds and grows well with a mixed diet.  Live feed like Black worms, Adult Brine Shrimp, finely minced earthworms, Larvae of Mosquito and Guppy babies seem their favorite, and as such, including them in the regular diet is suggested.  In case you do not get live food, substitute them with Frozen food of Brine Shrimp, Blood Worms (larvae of Midge Fly), and the other foodstuff that you can obtain from your favorite  pet stores.  In addition, it is possible for you to get several varieties dried feed which will compensate for the above.


The quality of water for your angelfish must have a temperature of 740F to 840F (23°C to 29°C), hardness of water: 5° to 13° dH, and appropriate pH value.  In nature, the freshwater angelfish survives in insignificantly acidic soft water.  For excellent outcome, ensure that the pH range of the water of your aquarium is from 4.7 and 8.7; the perfect range is between 6.5 and 6.9.  Comparing the pH of the water, the Angelfish are sturdy; they are tolerant to extensive variations of the state of water.

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