Blue Tropical Fish

Tropical Fish for Fish Tanks

Tropical fishes are found in the aquatic tropical areas around the world. The fish keepers are very fond of these species. They consist of both freshwater as well as saltwater species. It is available in different sizes and a varied variety of attractive colors which is preferred by pet lovers. The other requirements like pH level, temperature, and other water conditions also differ for different species.


There is a lot of diversity in the appearance and behavior of each species. Some live at the bottom, whereas some are surface or middle dwellers. Hence, while selecting a species for breeding, all this information should be collected. Similarly, in some species, the male and female are completely different in appearance with different color combinations and sizes, whereas, in some species, it becomes difficult to identify the sex due to their similarity. Tropical fish have a dorsal fin in the backside, which controls the body of the fish while swimming. Similarly, the Caudal fin is placed on the tail area to help the fish propel through the water. The Pectoral fin is present in the breast area to help them with locomotion and side movements.

Tropical Fish In Freshwater Tank

Electric Yellow Cichlid

Electric Yellow Lab Cichlid
Electric Yellow Lab Cichlid. Photo: Theatrus

This fish have distinguishing features from its other relatives of the cichlid group. The sparkling yellow color with horizontal stripes of black shade makes it, glitter inside the aquarium. It is also known as Electric Yellow Lab, and it belongs to Cichlidae family.

Tank-: The minimum size for this type of fish is around 50 gallons. It should also have a sandy bottom, caves, robust plants and rocks.

Size-: These fish grow about 5 inches in size.

Water-: The water temperature suitable for this type of fish is about 72 to 82 degree F, and the pH level required is between 7.8 and 8.5.

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Red Cap Oranda Goldfish

Red Capped Oranda
Red Capped Oranda

This fish is one of the Goldfish types, and it belongs to Cyprinidae family. It is a metallic scaled type of fish originated from Japan, China and other parts of Asia. The body of this fish is white in color, whereas the head is covered with a bright red shade.


The minimum size required for the fish tank is about 30 gallons or more with hardy plant species of cold water and a bottom of fine gravel.


These species are big, and grow about 10 inches in size.


The water temperature required for the healthy growth of this fish is between 65 and 75 degree F, and the pH value should be at least 6.5 to 7.5.

Peppered Cory Cat

This fish originated from the river tributaries located in the South America. It is a bottom dweller, and belongs to the Callichthyidae family. It has green and black patches all over its body, and displays a white colored under body.


It requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons with enough hiding place and a smooth sandy bottom or gravel substrate.


It is a small structured fish and grows only about two and a half inches.


The water temperature should be around 72 to 79 degree F, and the pH level should be between 5.8 and 7.0.

Tiger Barb

Tiger Barb
A young tiger barb. Photo: Faucon

It is a farm raised species and belongs to the Cyprinidae family. It is a good pet for the beginners. Its body is silver/gold color with orange accents on the fins and black stripes over the body.


It prefers a minimum tank size of 30 gallons with enough driftwood and rock. The tank should not be overcrowded with things, as this fish requires enough space to swim.

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It is a small fish that grows only up to 3 inches.


This Fish prefers slightly acidic and soft water. The temperature should be around 74 to 79 degree F and the pH level should be around 6.0 to 7.0.

Tropical Fish For Saltwater Tank

Azure Damselfish

Blue Damselfish
Blue Damselfish: Photo: Brian Gratwicke

Also known as Half-blue Damselfish, it belongs to Pomacanthidae family. The first half portion of this fish is bright blue in color and the tail, fin and the lower portion has yellow shade.


A minimum size of 30 gallon fish tank is required to hold a single Azure Damselfish and in a 55 gallon aquarium, a small group can be placed.


It attains around 4 inch of body length.


The water temperature should be around 72 to 78 degree F, and the pH value should be between 8.1 and 8.4.

Bicolor Dottyback

Bicolor Dottyback
Bicolor Dottyback. Photo: Bernard DUPONT

The other name for this fish is Royal Dottyback or Bicolor Pseudochromis, and it belongs to Pseudochromidae family. It is a beautiful fish with 2 body colors, the front portion being purple and the lower portion being bright yellow.


The suitable tank size is above 30 gallons.


It grows about 3 inch in size.


The required temperature of the water is 72 to 78 degree F, and the pH level should be between 8.1 and 8.4.

Black Ice Ocellaris Clownfish

Ocellaris Clownfish
Ocellaris Clownfish – Photo: Jenny Huang

It’s a captive bred fish developed by breeding the Snowflake Ocellaris clownfish and Black Ocellaris Clownfish together. It is a member of Pomacentridae family. The base body color is orange, on which there are 3 white strips with black edges.


It is an easy to grow fish and requires about 20 gallons of tank.


It has a body length of about 3 inches.

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The water temperature suitable for this fish is about 72 to 78 degree F, and the pH value should be between 8.1 and 8.4.

Chalk Bass

Chalk Bass
Williams, J. T.; Carpenter, K. E.; Van Chalk Bass. Photo: Tassell, J. L.; Hoetjes, P.; Toller, W.; Etnoyer, P.; Smith, M.

This fish has originated from the Caribbean regions, and it is one of the smallest bass belonging to Serranidae family. The body color of this fish is predominantly orange shade with a purple color in the middle portion, and it also possesses vertical blue electric bands.


A 30 gallon tank is suitable for this fish along with much live rock, as these fish love to hide. You can also add other species as these fish are less aggressive.


The maximum size it attains is around 3 inches.


The temperature of the water should be 72 to 78 degree F, and the pH value suitable is between 8.1 and 8.4.

Exquisite Firefish

Purple Firefish
Purple Firefish. Photo: Nat Tarbox

This fish is related to the Indian Ocean inhabitant, the Purple Firefish. This species belongs to the Gobiidae family, and is basically yellow in color. It also possesses other colors like red, purple and white. It is believed to have originated from Maldives.


The suitable tank size is around or more than 10 gallons with lots of coral rubble. The tank should also have a tight lid, as the possibility of this fish to jump out of the tank is more.


This fish has a slender body, and it attains a length of maximum 3 inches


The water temperature suitable for this fish is about 72 to 78 degree F and the pH value should be between 8.1 and 8.4.

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