Red Admiral Caterpillar
Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that people usually dismissed these little creatures as “creepy-crawlies”.
Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that people usually dismissed these little creatures as “creepy-crawlies”.
The following list of butterflies are found in Kentucky. Clicking on the text link will show you a picture of the butterfly and which specific counties in Kentucky the butterfly is found in. Each link also provides more information about the butterfly’s identification and life history. This will help you decide which Butterfly Nectar Plants and Butterfly Host Plants you will want…
One of the many wonderful things to see in North America is the flight of the Monarch Butterflies. Every year, following the seasons, these orange-black-and-white butterflies travel almost the entire length of the continent. In early spring and early autumn, thousands flap from the southern States to the oyamel fir groves of Mexico, converging in…
The word monarch comes from the Greek words for one ruler. A human monarch is a king or queen who rules alone, without necessarily having to consult any other person though good ones have always surrounded themselves with people who could give them good advice. When human monarchs were selected (rather than simply inheriting their…
Have you heard of the Monarch butterfly migration? Well, other butterflies migrate too! There are many other species of butterflies that also migrate. For example, the Painted Lady, Common Buckeye, American Lady, Red Admiral, Cloudless Sulphur, Skipper, Sachem, Question Mark, Clouded Skipper, Fiery Skipper, and Mourning Cloak are all butterflies that migrate as well. There are different reasons…
Observing butterflies in the garden is a great way to learn about them! What Flowers/Shrubs Attract Butterflies? As you may know already, most species of butterflies use flower nectar as their main source of food. The use of the sugary nectar gives the butterflies energy and allows them to fly, so stocking up on flowers…
Colotis auxo, commonly known as the yellow orange tip or sulphur orange tip, is a butterfly of the family Pieridae. It is found in southern Africa and is named after the Keiskamma River. The wingspan is 35–40 mm. The adults fly year-round. Randy Jones Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in…