Long Horned Beetle

Long Horned Beetle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Polyphaga Superfamily: Chrysomeloidea Family: Cerambycidae The longhorn beetles are also referred to as Longicorns or Long-Horned beetles. This cosmopolitan family of beetles is characterized by very long antennae that are longer than or equal to the beetle”s body. The family Cerambycidae of the Longhorn…

Larder Beetle

Larder Beetle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia (Animals) Phylum: Arthropoda (Arthropods) Subphylum: Hexapoda (Hexapods) Class: Insecta (Insects) Order: Coleoptera (Beetles) Suborder: Polyphaga (Water, Rove, Scarab, Long-horned, Leaf and Snout Beetles) Superfamily: Bostrichoidea (Carpet, Powder-post and Death-watch Beetles) Family: Dermestidae (Carpet Beetles) Genus: Dermestes No Taxon: (subgenus Dermestes) Species: Lardarius (Larder Beetle) Dermestes lardarius, generally called larder beetle is…

Leaf Beetle

Leaf Beetle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Polyphaga Superfamily: Chrysomeloidea Family: Chrysomelidae The Chrysomelidae family is a group of beetles, that is commonly referred to as Leaf Beetles. This family comprises of more than 35,000 species, classified into over 2,500 genera. Hence, it is considered one of the most common and…

Ladybird Song

Ladybird Song

The lines of the song “Ladybird Ladybird” is sometimes also revised as “Ladybug, Ladybug”, especially in some regions like the US, because this beetle is commonly known as “ladybug” in US regions. The song about the ladybird is a nursery rhyme presented in the English language. It is placed at a number of 16215 in…

Ladybug Meaning Symbolism

Ladybug Meaning Symbolism

The symbolism of the word Ladybug relates to “good luck”, almost all around the globe. Still, there is confusion regarding the name, whether it is a “ladybird” or “ladybug”.The word “ladybird” is more commonly used in Europe, whereas in the United States of America, the people most commonly use the word “ladybug”. Many symbolisms and…

June Beetle

June Beetle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Family: Scarabaeidae Subfamily: Melolonthinae June beetles are also known as June bugs or May beetle. These beetles are red-brown in color and during the warm evenings of the spring season, they commonly appear in the Northern Hemisphere. June beetles are attracted to lights at night…

Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Family: Scarabaeidae Genus: Popillia Species: P. japonica Binomial name: Popillia japonica Popillia Japonica Newman, commonly referred to as the Japanese beetle is a destructive pest, widespread on the landscape, ornamental plants, and turf in the areas of the United States. It is also considered a…

Jewel Beetle

Jewel Beetles

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Infraclass: Neoptera Superorder: Endopterygota Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Polyphaga Infraorder: Elateriformia Superfamily: Buprestoidea Family: Buprestidae The Buprestidae family of beetles possesses a shiny, sparkling color because of which it is called metallic wood boring beetles or jewel beetles. This family of beetles comprises the largest group of beetles…

Ground Beetle

Ground Beetles

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Adephaga (Unranked): Geadephaga Superfamily: Caraboidea Family: Carabidae The Ground beetle family consists of cosmopolitan members, including 40,000 species, out of which 2,000 species are seen in North America, and around 2700 species are seen in Europe. The Carabidae family is one of the biggest…

Grain Weevil

Grain Weevil

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Family: Curculionidae Subfamily: Dryophthorinae Tribe: Litosomini Genus: Sitophilus Species: S. granarius Grain Weevil is a variety of beetles that belongs to the Curculionidae higher-level family. Generally, they are herbivorous, small, and below 6mm (0.24 in) in size. In most of the families there are more…

Grain Beetles

Grain Beetles

Grain beetles are termed so, due to their feeding habit. They mainly feed on all types of grains like rice, wheat, and maize as well as cereals, flour, processed food items, and spices. The commonly seen grain beetles in Canada include the merchant grain beetle, Saw-toothed Grain Beetle, Foreign Grain Beetle, Lesser Grain Beetle, and…

Golden Tortoise Beetle

Golden Tortoise Beetle

(Charidotella Sexpunctata) Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Polyphaga Family: Chrysomelidae Subfamily: Cassidinae Tribe: Cassidini Genus: Charidotella Species: C. Sexpunctata The golden tortoise beetle, scientific name Charidotella Sexpunctata is a type of beetle from the leaf beetle family Chrysomelidae that is indigenous to America.This beetle has a strong association with…