
Bernedoodle Size Chart – How Big Do They Get?

Bernedoodles provide the ideal companion for owners and families with kids since they are intelligent, devoted, kind, and humorous dogs. They are a hybrid breed descended from both large Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dogs. Their Poodle side gives them their intellect and gaze, while their Bernese half gives them their playfulness and loyalty.

Let us introduce the Bernedoodle size chart, which provides an approximation of size information by monitoring generations of Bernedoodles. If you are considering adopting a Bernedoodle puppy and are wondering what size your Bernedoodle will be, chances are that you’ll find this article helpful.


What is a Bernedoodle Dog Breed?

Before learning details about the Bernedoodle size chart, it is important to explore this dog breed. The first Bernedoodles were developed in the early 2000s, just after the “doodle” fad that swept the globe with the appearance of the Labradoodle in the 1990s. Although the first Bernedoodles were probably created by accident, some breeders started fusing Bernese mountain dogs and poodles on purpose. 

The breed standard, which is a written description of the ideal physical and temperamental characteristics of the breed, has been the guide for centuries of purebred breeders. Because of this, purebred dogs have a relatively uniform appearance, with known height and weight, body shape, color, and coat type.

The Bernedoodle is not recognized by any of the respected purebred dog registries, such as the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club, because it is a hybrid and not a purebred dog. Additionally, lacking a recognized breed standard, the Bernedoodle has a wide range of individual variations in appearance and behavior. 

It might be difficult to predict what you would get if you purchased a Bernedoodle puppy since various breeders may have varied notions of what defines a Bernedoodle.

First-generation crossings (F1), second-generation (F2), third-generation (F3), and so forth are known as Bernedoodles. A purebred Bernese Mountain Dog and a purebred Poodle are crossed 50/50 to create an F1 Bernedoodle. In an F1 litter, the puppies that are born might vary greatly. 

Some could resemble Bernese Mountain Dogs while others might resemble poodles. Some puppies may resemble a cross between the two parent breeds, while others may not resemble either parent breed at all. A litter of F1 Bernedoodle puppies can vary greatly in terms of coat style and shedding.

By mating two F1 Bernedoodles, F2 Bernedoodles are produced. Additionally, the coat types of F2 Bernedoodles vary. To improve coat type uniformity, some breeders add extra poodles to the bloodlines. The Bernedoodle, which is 75% poodle and 25% Bernese Mountain Dog, has a low- or no-shedding coat.


How Big Do Bernedoodles Grow

Due to the fact that both of the Bernedoodles’ parents, Poodles, and Bernese Mountain Dogs, are large in size, they belong to the big dog category. They may grow to a maximum size of 70–90 pounds and 23–29 inches.

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Bernedoodles are mixed-breed dogs, as was previously indicated. The sizes of the parent dogs have the greatest influence on the height and weight of the offspring Bernedoodles.

The Tiny Bernedoodle is produced by mating a Tiny or Toy Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog, whereas Mini Bernedoodles are produced by mating a Miniature Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog. Standard Bernedoodles are produced by mating a Standard Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog.

Their eventual Bernedoodle size chart is influenced by things including genetic inheritance, the generation they belong to, and gender. The size variation between male and female Bernedoodles is typically approximately 10%. However, their environment and nutritional upbringing also have an impact on their eventual size.


Bernedoodle Size Chart

The breed of Bernedoodle you own is one of the aspects that affect your puppy’s growth. The variations include a tiny Bernedoodle, a medium Bernedoodle, and a standard Bernedoodle. 

Here is a summary of what to anticipate for each breed in the Bernedoodle size chart from the time they are puppies to their mature sizes. 

Tiny Bernedoodle

Naturally, tiny Bernedoodles are the smallest of the breeds, according to the Bernedoodle size chart. They should weigh about 10 pounds when they are 8 weeks old, which is comparable to the weight of other Bernedoodle breeds. But after that, the disparity really changes.

A 20-week-old mini Bernedoodle puppy should weigh around 20 pounds. After that, they won’t get much bigger, reaching full size at 44 weeks, but their growth will drastically slow down.

Tiny Bernedoodles are the smallest ones in the Bernedoodle size chart. These canines may weigh around 24 pounds and reach heights of up to 17 inches at the shoulder. This is because Mini Bernedoodles are a cross between Mini Poodles. Poodle puppies weigh between 6 and 9 pounds and are just 10 inches tall at the shoulder.

Medium Bernedoodle

Compared to tiny, medium Bernedoodles are larger in the Bernedoodle size chart. Medium Bernedoodle dogs may weigh between 24 and 49 pounds and reach heights of up to 18 to 22 inches at the shoulder. The progenitor breeds are Mini Poodles, which stand at a height of around 15 inches and weigh 12 to 20 pounds, and Bernese Mountain Dogs. 

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The Bernedoodle size chart shows that at 8 weeks of age, they can weigh around 15 pounds, and by 20 weeks of age, they can weigh up to 35 pounds. Medium Bernedoodles reach their maximum size at around a year of age. However, this breed still has a good range of weights and heights.

Standard Bernedoodle 

The largest breed on the Bernedoodle size chart is the Standard Bernedoodle. Standard Bernedoodles do not reach maturity until they are at least 2 years old. The Standard Bernedoodle, whose parents are a Standard Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog, is the biggest kind of Bernedoodle. The height at the shoulder of a standard Bernedoodle can range from 23 to 29 inches, and they can weigh up to 100 pounds.

Furthermore, the amount they received from each parent’s share will determine the size of the Bernedoodle. They will be on the larger-range side if they inherit a higher percentage from the larger parent breed and vice versa. The primary source of the typical Bernedoodle’s large size is a genetic inheritance. Either one or both parents are purebreds, allowing them to express the dominant gene and grow to such a large size.

The parent dog breeds of the standard Bernedoodle are the Bernese Mountain Dog, which stands at 23–28 inches and weighs 79–110 pounds, and the Standard Poodle, which stands tall at the shoulder at 18–24 inches and weighs roughly 45–70 pounds.

Growth And Development Of Bernedoodle Puppy

Age Of Two weeks

The Bernedoodle size chart gets significant changes around two weeks after birth. Although it does vary depending on the breed, on average, you may anticipate a newborn Bernedoodle to weigh about 1 pound at birth. However, that weight should double within the first week or two.

At this stage, they will be totally reliant on their mothers and won’t be moving around much. At this point, they will just be consuming the mother’s milk, neither drinking it nor eating anything else. 

Age Of Twelve Weeks

At this stage, your Bernedoodle puppy will be growing rapidly. Where the puppies are often near their mother throughout the early stages of life, it won’t take them long to start getting into some good mischief. Your Bernedoodle puppy could weigh as much as 35 pounds at 12 weeks of age. He will have totally weaned himself off of his mother’s milk by this time.

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Age Of Six Months

Your Bernedoodle puppy may weigh 45 to 55 pounds when he is between 4 and 6 months old. Around this time, his development will start to slow down, but his hunger is probably still ravenous. Since he is probably burning off a lot of calories when he plays, you should actually eat three times a day to make sure he gets enough calories

Age Of Twelve Months

Between 10 and 12 months of age, there is still some growth. By this time, the growth will have significantly slowed down, but you can still anticipate some weight gain. By the time your dog turns one, he should weigh between 65 and 70 pounds, but that is not his final weight

Adult Bernedoodle

Finally, your dog should cease growing once he reaches adulthood. But as you may have seen, it doesn’t happen as quickly with these dogs as it does with other dogs.

Bernedoodles can continue to develop until the age of two, at which point they will have reached their full size. Do not become alarmed if your dog continues to gain weight after turning one since they stop growing in height before they stop growing in weight.

Bottom Line

Above in this article, we explored the Bernedoodle size chart. Finding a Doodle’s precise mature height and weight is difficult, much as with other mixed-breed dogs. The development of your Bernedoodle puppy might be impacted by a variety of factors, and every dog breed is distinct. One thing is clear, though: depending on the type of Bernedoodle you have, this breed can either be very large or very small. 

Now that these adorable puppies are becoming more well-known, we have enough knowledge to be able to estimate their costs more accurately. Observing and monitoring a Bernedoodle size chart, you may predict a specific dog’s mature weight. 

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