
Fun Dog Names

There’s no limit to the different ways you can choose a name for a dog. Some people name dogs after sports teams and great players. Other people look for inspiration in mythology. There are dogs named Thor and Zeus, right down the pantheon of gods. More than one dog has been named Apollo for his good looks, Orion after the hunter in the heavens; or even Sirius, for the “dog star.”

Other people like to name their dogs for their athletic abilities — Dash, Chase, Dodger, Ace. Some dogs are named for their liking for water: Splash, Diver, Captain, Skipper, and Sailor.

If your dog comes from a particular heritage you may want to draw on that background for a name. Laddie and Lassie are good choices for a dog of Scottish descent. You can use Celtic names and history for dogs from Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. French words and history would be great for some of the French breeds, and so on. China has an ancient history and great folklore for many of the breeds that come from that part of the world.

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You can also get ideas for dog names from TV shows or popular movies. How about naming your dog after one of the castaways on Lost? Or after one of the doctors on Grey’s Anatomy? You can even choose a name from a cartoon. There’s probably a dog somewhere named Squidward.

You can always simply choose a name that seems to fit your dog. Some people choose a dog that fits a name. One famous dog writer who loved Fox Terriers named every Fox Terrier she owned “Hobo.” There was the first Hobo, Hobo II, Hobo III, and Hobo IV. The name fit and she looked for dogs that had that certain look and quality that she loved. It may be an unusual way to choose a dog but she and her Hobos were very happy.

READ MORE:  Hip Dysplasia in Dogs keeps a list of the most popular dog names on their site:

  • Buddy
  • Max
  • Daisy
  • Jack
  • Lucy
  • Molly
  • Charlie
  • Sadie
  • Jake
  •  Lucky

They also have a list of the most unusual pet names on the site:

Top 10 Most Unusual Names

  • Woe Izmee
  • Gwyneth Poultry (a duck)
  • SoSueMe
  • 54cent Swee’T
  • Iamaredneckwoman
  • Angry Chef Soup
  • Ms. Cornflake Especially
  • Bon Jo Flea
  • McLovin
  • Joe the Plumber

If you don’t believe that names make a difference, the dog named Joe the Plumber was originally named Buck and no one was interested in adopting him. When they changed his name to Joe the Plumber he was adopted immediately.

The AKC also keeps track of the most popular pet names of dogs registered with them. Here’s their list:

  • Bear
  • Blue
  • Max/Maximus/Maxwell
  • Duke
  • Buddy
  • Jack
  • Prince
  • King
  • Bailey
  • Rocky
  • Harley
  • Jake
  • Shadow
  • Lucky
  • Hunter
  • Dakota
  • Lou
  • Midnight
  • Cooper
  • Buster
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  • Lady
  • Belle/Bell/Bella
  • Princess
  • Mae/May
  • Rose
  • Daisy
  • Grace/Gracie
  • Baby
  • Molly
  • Maggie
  • Sadie
  • Ann/Annie
  • Star
  • Lily/Lilly
  • Angel
  • Coco/Cocoa
  • Sophie/Sophia
  • Lucy
  • Abby/Abigail
  • Marie

Use your imagination when naming your dog. You don’t have to choose a name that anyone else has used. You can pick something that is unique for your dog. It can be fun or funny, it can be serious, it can have special meaning just for you and your dog. Have fun with it. Owning a dog should be fun so choose a name that makes you and your dog feel good.

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