7 Signs Of Pregnant Pomeranian

7 Signs Of Pregnant Pomeranian & Tips to Take Proper Care

Pomeranians are frequently referred to as the ideal pet because they are fluffy dogs who never seem to mind being the center of attention. However, having pups may come to mind for owners who have both male and female pets. 

You should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of a pregnant Pomeranian so that when your dog starts to exhibit signs of lethargy and a solid tummy, you know that she is pregnant.

This article will go over some of the most crucial warning signs that pregnant Pomeranians show.

Pregnant Pomeranian
Pregnant Pomeranian

7 Signs Of Pregnant Pomeranian

1. Firm Stomach

One of your pregnant Pomeranian’s symptoms will often be a firming of the tummy. This specific indicator of a pregnant Pomeranian typically appears shortly after the pregnancy begins, even before any outward signs, such as an enlarged tummy, are visible.

This should be your first consideration if you anticipate your Pomeranian may get pregnant as a result of a breeding scheme. You should check your dog’s tummy to see whether there appears to be an increase in general firmness a short time after the projected pregnancy.

2. Weight Gain

After the stomach has been firmer than usual for a few weeks, your Pomeranian will start gaining weight. This is a typical aspect of pregnancy. The majority of your dog’s weight gain is due to the developing puppies inside her.

People who weren’t planning on having their dog pregnant should be cautious of sudden weight gain. Your Pomeranian’s unexpected weight gain without a food change might potentially be an indication of pregnancy.

3. Increased Frequency Of Self Cleaning

Increased self-cleaning is one of the less obvious indicators of a pregnant Pomeranian. The majority of Pomeranians do occasionally clean themselves. For this specific dog breed, this is standard behavior.

You might think something else is going on if your dog begins to clean itself excessively.

The most frequent reasons for excessive self-cleaning are a tick-and-flea infestation or a worry that your dog may have developed a skin ailment. But this might also be an indication that your Pomeranian is expecting a baby. Consider pregnancy as a possibility if self-cleaning is greatly enhanced.

4. Large Nipples

A change in your Pomeranian’s nipples is another clear indication that you have a pregnant Pomeranian. In various situations, your Pomeranian’s nipples are likely to be small and even inclined into the skin. However, your dog’s body goes through a variety of changes throughout pregnancy.

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An important development that takes place is the preparation of the internal organs and nipples that will create milk, which is necessary to provide newborn pups with the nutrients they need to grow and live.

5. Nesting Behavior

Pregnant Pomeranians exhibit nesting behavior rather frequently as well. This is often a behavior change later in the pregnancy, rather than one of the earliest indications that your dog is pregnant. Your Pomeranian’s nesting tendencies will become more pronounced as labor draws near.

Dogs use a variety of behaviors to indicate nesting. Most of the time, your Pomeranian may persistently scratch at her bed to build a “nest-like” platform for her to rest on. This is the reason the particular habit your dog may display is known as “nesting.” You’ll discover that nesting activity frequently indicates that the pups’ delivery is close.

6. Mood Changes

Not only may mood changes occur in pregnant women, but they can also occur in dogs, particularly Pomeranians. Many individuals may see that a sudden shift in a Pomeranian’s temperament or general demeanor is a clear indication that you have a pregnant Pomeranian.

The many hormonal variations that take place are the major cause of these mood swings in your Pomeranian. Your dog may seem exhausted and sluggish because there is also increased pressure on them.

While some Pomeranians may become grumpy during pregnancy, certain dogs may behave in the exact opposite way. Your Pomeranian may develop a clingy attachment to you rather than being unhappy and irritated.

Even if your Pomeranian is a clingy dog who needs a lot of attention normally, this demand for affection may be considerably amplified during pregnancy. Your dog may start to follow you around more intently and constantly try to get your attention.

7. Possible Lethargy

Your pregnant Pomeranian’s body is under stress from the pups growing inside of it, which results in many hormonal disturbances. All of a sudden, your Pomeranian has to feed two, and many of the nutrients in your dog will be utilized to promote the growth of the pups. Prenatal vitamins and high-quality meals are essential for Pomeranians during pregnancy.

Given this, it is understandable that your Pomeranian may feel tired when she is pregnant. Your dog might not be as energetic as normal, and you could notice that your Pomeranian spends most of the day lying down.

Although lethargy frequently manifests later in pregnancy, some Pomeranians may also show this symptom sooner. Lethargy in these situations could raise concerns for you, but it could really be a pregnancy symptom; therefore, other symptoms listed above should also be taken into account.

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How to Care for Pregnant Pomeranian

The first thing you can do once you find out your Pomeranian is pregnant is put it through an ultrasound. About 25 days after mating, ultrasounds may reliably identify pregnancies at an early stage. Ultrasounds can find heartbeats and provide the doctor with a non-invasive view of the abdomen.

To find out if your Pomeranian is pregnant, draw blood. A dog will start to make the hormone relaxin 20 to 30 days into pregnancy. It is possible to test for this chemical in the blood. Your Pomeranian is absolutely pregnant and about halfway through the pregnancy if relaxin is found in the test. 

Puppies are often visible to veterinarians 20 to 30 days after conception. The uterine enlargement that is a sign of pregnancy is palpable to medical professionals.

Dogs who are expecting will have bloated tummies and changing nipple sizes. Your Pomeranian is most likely pregnant if you observe any of these signs. Take radiographs of your Pomeranian’s abdomen. 

It takes around 45 days into the pregnancy for your Pomeranian to be able to use this approach to tell whether she is pregnant. Puppy skeletons are then thick enough to be seen on X-rays. Using this technique, you may also figure out how many puppies your Pomeranian is carrying.

How to Make Pregnant Pomeranian Comfortable

Make your dog a cozy, warm nest for the latter stages of her pregnancy that is far from noise and other animals. Additionally, you must guarantee that there is sufficient room for them to enter and exit as needed. 

To prevent your dog from contracting the herpes virus, make sure they are kept apart from other animals for three weeks prior to and three weeks after delivery.

By measuring your dog’s rectal temperature, you may determine if she will give birth within the next 24 hours. Their temperature will drop below 100 degrees Fahrenheit during this period.

Feeding and Nutrition

Put your dog on a high-calorie diet with the nutrients it needs to be healthy after she has been pregnant for around four weeks. There are certain premium dog food brands specifically made for pregnant animals, and your veterinarian may suggest the brand that will work best for you and your pet. 

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Avoid giving your dog large-breed puppy diets since they frequently lack many of the minerals that your pup needs during pregnancy, such as calcium and phosphorus. Because your dog’s stomach will be smaller, it’s best to feed them smaller meals more frequently.

Length Of Pomeranian Pregnancy

The typical gestation duration or pregnancy period for Pomeranians is 63 days. Puppies of the Pomeranian breed typically arrive 61 days after conception. Prior to allowing sperm entrance, the egg must develop for 48 hours. Conception starts on day 13 of your Pomeranian female’s cycle if she ovulates on day 11 of her cycle.

This Pomeranian gestation chart is as close as you can come to forecasting her due date and the start of Pomeranian labor given the uncertainty around the timing of ovulation.

Process Of Giving Birth

For around 6 to 12 hours before giving birth, a pregnant Pomeranian will have light contractions. They could become restless at this point. Your dog can start digging, panting, and throwing up inside its nesting spot. The contractions will then get stronger and more frequent, resulting in the delivery of puppies.

Your dog will fight for ten to fifteen minutes before giving birth to their pups. They should have a litter every 45 to 60 minutes, but sometimes they take a break and wait for 4 hours. Puppies are frequently born either head first or tail first. 

Keep an eye on your dog to make sure it is not overexerting itself or taking breaks longer than four hours. If this is the case, you must immediately take them to the veterinarian.

Bottom Line

Pomeranians are affectionate, vivacious, and eager to please. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to determine whether your Pomeranian was successfully bred and will eventually become pregnant. While there are no at-home pregnancy tests for dogs as there are for people, you may determine a pregnant Pomeranian with specific signs and with the assistance of your veterinarian.

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