White Dog

Tail Chasing

The puppy spins and spins, attempting to grab that alluring tip just out of reach. He trips, stumbles, falls on his plump behind, and finally bites down on the fluff of fur he has been chasing. His audience cheers him on and claps when he finally manages to reach his goal. He lets go of…

Top 20 Dog Breeds

Top 20 Dog Breeds

According to the American Kennel Club, the following breeds are the most popular dog breeds in the United States: 1. Labrador Retriever The Labrador Retriever has been the most popular breed in the U.S. since 1990. These gentle, intelligent, family dogs were first recognized by the AKC in 1917. Originally from Canada, the breed began…

Brown Dog

Dog Breed Organizations

When searching for a dog you often see breeders referring to registries and other dog breed organizations. They may only use the initials of registries or they may mention registries that you’ve never heard of. Here’s a brief overview of some of the more popular registries in the United States. AKC — The American Kennel…


Fun Dog Names

There’s no limit to the different ways you can choose a name for a dog. Some people name dogs after sports teams and great players. Other people look for inspiration in mythology. There are dogs named Thor and Zeus, right down the pantheon of gods. More than one dog has been named Apollo for his…

Little Black Dog

Dogs In Mythology

Dogs were probably the first animal domesticated by humans so it’s not surprising that there are a number of dogs found in mythologies around the world. Egypt, Greece, Ireland, and China all have mythological dogs. In ancient Greece, the god Anubis is depicted as the jackal-headed god of the afterlife. He was the most important…

Dog on Grass

Epilepsy and Dogs

Seizures are the result of episodes of involuntary electrical activity within the brain and can take many forms, ranging from loss of consciousness and leg paddling to subtle, intermittent changes in behavior. Many different diseases can cause seizures in dogs. Problems that originate outside of the brain, such as low blood sugar, hypothyroidism, severe liver…


Common Dog Parasites – Hookworms, Heartworms and Fleas

Parasites are common in dogs and most dogs will have some at various times in their lives. They can be external or internal. They include fleas, worms, mites, and ticks. They are easy for your dog to pick up, either from other dogs or from the environment. Left untreated, most parasites can cause serious problems…

Little Dog

Giving a Dog Glucosamine – Reducing Arthritic Pain

To appreciate how glucosamine can help to manage osteoarthritis in dogs, we need to understand a little science. When a dog has osteoarthritis, the fluid in his joints becomes thinner and is less effective at lubricating the movement of the bones. Also, the cartilage at the end of the bones becomes damaged and eroded over…