White Dog

Dog Health Library

AbscessesACL InjuriesAcneAcute Renal FailureAddison’s DiseaseAdrenal Gland TumorsAllergiesAnal Sac DiseaseAnaphylactic ShockAnemiaAnthraxAntifreeze PoisoningAortic StenosisArthritisAsthmaAtopyAural HematomasBabesiosisBartonellosisBladder StonesBlindnessBloatBone CancerBrachycephalic Airway SyndromeBrain TumorsBronchitisCancerCardiomyopathyCataractsCherry EyeChocolate PoisoningChronic Renal FailureCleft PalateCoccidia InfectionColitisConjunctivitisConstipationCorneal UlcerCoughingCryptorchidismCushing’s DiseaseDeafnessDehydrationDental DisordersDermatitisDermoid CystsDiabetesDiarrheaDistemperDry EyeDystociaEar InfectionsEar MitesEating GrassEclampsiaEctopic UretersEctropionEczemaEhrlichiosisElbow DysplasiaEmphysemaEntropionEpilepsyFalse PregnancyFleasFliesFollicular DysplasiaFood AllergiesGastritisGastrointestinal ObstructionGiardiaGingivitisGlaucomaGrowing Pains Hair LossHalitosisHeart MurmursHeartbeat ArrhythmiaHeartworm DiseaseHeat StrokeHelicobacter InfectionHepatitisHerniasHerpesvirus InfectionHip DysplasiaHistoplasmosisHookwormHydrocephalusHypertensionHypoglycemiaHypothyroidismIdiopathicInfertilityInfluenzaKennel CoughKidney DiseaseLactose IntoleranceLeptospirosisLeukemiaLiceLiver DiseaseLupusLyme DiseaseLymphomaMangeMast Cell TumorsMelanomaMeningitisMitesMotion…

Dog on Bench

Treating Dog Cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating to a dog owner, but it is not necessarily a death sentence for the dog. Cancer is usually detected when it either forms a distinct tumor that’s quite noticeable, or it leads to organ failure and its associated symptoms. For example, a kidney tumor in a dog may cause…


I lost my Dog

You come home from work and put your dog in what you thought was a securely fenced backyard but when you open the backdoor and call his name, the backyard is empty. Or, you take your dog for a walk through the neighborhood park and he stumbles upon a deer that bolts when she sees…


Facts about Dogs

There are several conflicting stories and theories about the way that dogs and humans originally became friends. Archaeologists are still uncovering evidence about the first dogs around the world so our picture of the human-dog relationship is developing all the time. Here are some things that we think we know now. Genetic evidence points to…

Disciplining a Puppy

Disciplining a Puppy

Watching a litter of pups interact is better entertainment than anything you can find on TV – guaranteed. They play, sleep, and eat as one furry pack and, within that group, they speak a language humans do not always understand. Play bows, chasing and being chased, growling, barking, yipping, biting, pawing, ear position, facial expressions,…


Disciplining a Dog

You had an especially long day at work and you were not sure if you would ever be allowed to go home. However, the nightmare was waiting for you at home. As usual, your four-legged friend greeted you at the door with all excitement and wags, making the homecoming that extra bit special that every…

Dog in long grass

Debarking a Dog

Your neighbors are complaining that your dog barks incessantly when you are gone and although you have tried a few suggestions from friends on how to stop the barking, nothing has worked well enough to fix the strained relations between you and your neighbor. Desperation is setting in and you are now looking for a…