Black Dog

Electric Dog Fences

You have a large yard that would cost more than you have to fence entirely or your neighborhood is a ‘fence-free zone’ and you are not allowed to build a fence. Maybe you have a fenced-in area or kennel for your dog but would like to know that he is safe and secure when the…

Dog with Man and Woman

Selecting a Dog

Whether it is the kids relentlessly pestering you about getting a dog or a quiet need to share your life with a four-legged friend, there are many things to consider before picking a dog and bringing home your new bundle of fur and energy. Making the wrong choice in breed or not accurately evaluating your…


Common Dog Health Problems

Healthy dogs are happy dogs and what is the best way to keep your dog healthy? Feed them the best food you can afford, maintain their ideal body weight and condition, and know how to recognize common dog health problems before they shift from being a ‘problem’ to being a ‘disaster’. Arthritis Simply put, arthritis…

Dog and Owner

Dog Grooming Supplies

Grooming your dog is essential to his good health. The kind of grooming he needs will depend on what kind of coat he has. For most shorthaired dogs you can give them a good brushing once a week and their coats will be fine. However, if you have a longhaired dog, then you will need…


Training a Dog

Part of owning a dog is training it to be a well-mannered and socially acceptable member of both the two-legged and four-legged society. An untrained dog is a nightmare to live with and even a danger to visitors, family, or itself. Dogs learn or adapt to living with their people by osmosis. By watching how…

Ground Squirrel

Ground Squirrel

You can literally find ground squirrels all over the world. They encompass all different types of squirrels, from the American red squirrel to the Arctic squirrel to the Mohave ground squirrel. Mind you, these are only three out of very, very many. Naturally, of course, ground squirrels are different from tree squirrels. It is surprisingly easy to see…

Grey Squirrel

Grey Squirrel

We have all either heard of or seen Sciurus caroliniensis – but you will likely know this little animal better as a grey squirrel, or a gray squirrel.  It simply depends on whether or not you like British spelling!  However you spell it, the facts and fundamentals of the animal remain the same.  The average length of the grey…

Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel

The red squirrel is a very solitary little creature.  In fact, each red squirrel takes it upon himself or herself to defend a territory that ranges between two acres and five acres.  Not only are they defending the territory from other species of squirrels, namely grey squirrels, but they are also defending from other red squirrels. …