Harvest Mice

Harvest Mice

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Superfamily:  Muroidea Family:  Muridae Subfamily:  Murinae Genus:  Micromys Species:  M. minutus Binomial name:  Micromys minutus The harvest mouse, Micromys minutes, the tiny British rodent is to a great extent inconspicuous to the human eye. It is natural to small habitats, not ideal at all times,…

Chinese Hamster

Chinese Hamster

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Cricetidae Genus:  Cricetulus Species:  C. griseus Binomial name:  Cricetulus griseus The Chinese Hamster Cricetulus is a charming being; and just like a harvest mouse, its habits appeal to the fingers of those who handle it,. It is a magnificent pet, very intelligent and has…

Campbell's Dwarf Hamster

Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Cricetidae Subfamily:  Cricetinae Genus:  Phodopus Species: P. campbelli Binomial name:  Phodopus campbelli Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters have a peculiar penchant for biting, but this is on account of the need to handle them differently. Contrary to the more easily managed Syrian Hamsters, the Campbell’s Hamsters…

African Dormouse

African Dormouse

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Gliridae Genus:  Graphiurus Species:  G. murinus Binomial name:  Graphiurus murinus African dormice (Graphiurus spp) are tiny night-time rodents; they are now infrequent in laboratory settings. These African Pygmy Dormice otherwise called micro squirrels are lovely, charming and dazzling animals for you to have. Anatomy…

Pack Rat

Pack Rat

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Cricetidae Subfamily:  Neotominae Tribe:  Neotomini Genus:  Neotoma With Big Ears, Long Tails and Big Black Eyes A packrat or pack rat, also known as wood rat can belong to any one of the varieties of the rodent genus Neotoma. These neotoma pack rats have…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Suborder:  Hystricognathi Parvorder:  Caviomorpha Family:  Octodontidae Genus:  Octodon Species:  O. degus Binomial name:  Octodon degus People, at times, consider the Degu as a brush-tailed rat. Besides, they have named it the common Degu, to distinguish it from the associate members of the species of Octodon…

Bushy Tailed Jirds

Bushy Tailed Jirds

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Muridae Subfamily:  Gerbillinae Tribe:  Gerbillini Subtribe:  Rhombomyina Genus:  Sekeetamys Species:  S. calurus Binomial name:  Sekeetamys calurus This bushy-tailed jird, Sekeetamys calurus. This is a variety of rodents of the Muridae family. In the genus Sekeetamys, the Bushy-tailed jird is the solitary member. Anatomy They…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Dasyproctidae Genus:  Dasyprocta Species:  D. punctata Binomial name:  Dasyprocta punctata Agouti belonging to the genus Dasyprocta (punctata), is a variety of tropical American rodents that have 11 types. There are a number of them in central and South America. The fur on them contains pigments…

Acacia Rats

Acacia Rats

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Muridae Genus:  Thallomys Species:  T. paedulcus Binomial name:  Thallomys paedulcus The Rodent, Acacia rats, belonging to the family of Muridae, is comparatively unusual as pets in the UK. Ongoing imports, serving the increasing number of breeders is increasing their popularity. They live for more…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Subphylum:  Vertebrata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Suborder:  Hystricomorpha Family:  Caviidae Subfamily:  Hydrochoerinae Genus:  Hydrochoerus Species:  H. hydrochaeris Binomial name:  Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris Among the varieties of rodents, Capybaras (capybara hydrochoerus) are the biggest, almost a man’s weight. These extraordinary animals, like pigs have, to a great extent adapted to an…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Superfamily:  Muroi Family:  Muridae Subfamily:  Murinae Genus:  Mus A mouse (plural: mice) is a tiny mammal associated with the group of rodents, their peculiar characteristics are a small rounded ears, pointed snout and a long bare tail with no hairs. The general house mouse (Mus…



Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Geomyidae Gopher-A Distinctive Small Sized Burrowing Rodent If you access gopher sites on the Internet, you will find that this is a popular term for any of those distinctive small-sized burrowing rodents widespread in North America. This species includes the pocket gophers, coming from…