Green Iguana

Green Iguana

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Family:     Iguanidae Genus:     Iguana Species:     I. Iguana Among the Most Distinguishing and Prehistoric-Looking Lizards on the Earth The common iguana (Iguana iguana) or green iguana is an arboreal large species that is generally herbivorous lizard, inhabiting the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Generally, most…

Panther Chameleon

Panther Chameleon

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Family:     Chamaeleonidae Genus:     Furcifer Species:     F. pardalis Come in a Brilliant Range of Patterns and Colors Furcifer pardalis, more often known as panther chameleon, inhabit the island of Madagascar. You find them spread all over the island, but you will find these in abundance…

Northern Caiman Lizard

Northern Caiman Lizard

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Family:     Teiidae Genus:     Dracaena Species:     D. guianensis Among the Largest Species of Lizards Found in America The Lizard Dracaena Guianensis or the Northern Caiman Lizard, inhabiting South American jungles, is a lizard of medium size with a strong build and is among the largest species of…

Steppe Runner

Steppe Runner

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Family:     Lacertidae Subfamily:     Lacertinae Genus:     Eremias Species:     Arguta Will Gladly Eat Straight from Your Hand and Often Curl Up in Your Palm Steppe Runner (Eremias arguta), also known as Racerunner and Arguta inhabit Turkey, N Iran,  NE Romania, N Azerbaijan, SW Russia,  Armenia, W/E…

Crocodile Monitor

Crocodile Monitor

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Subphylum:     Vertebrata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Suborder:        Lacertilia Family:     Varanidae Subgenus:     Papusaurus Species:     V. salvadorii The World’s Longest Lizard Varanus of New Guinea is a monitor lizard. People refer to this lizard as; a crocodile monitor, Varanus salvadorii, Papu (n) monitor, or Artellia. This outsized monitor lizard of…

Bearded Dragon Lizard

Bearded Dragon Lizard

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Suborder:        Lacertilia Family:     Agamidae Genus:     Pogona Species:     P. vitticeps A Favorite Pet among Hobbyists The Pogona species of reptiles have eight species; they generally go by the name,” Bearded Dragon Pogona”. This name refers to the central bearded dragon, (Pogona vitticeps). The habitats…

Blue Tongue Skink

Blue Tongue Skink

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Infraorder:        Scincomorpha Family:     Scincidae Subfamily:     Lygosominae Genus:     Tiliqua Name Derives from the Cobalt Blue Tongue Blue-tongued skinks (Tiliqua) belong to the Australasian genus Tiliqua, few big members of the skink family belong to this genus. In Australia, they call them blue-tongued lizards or…

Australian Water Dragon

Australian Water Dragon

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Suborder:        Lacertilia Family:     Agamidae Subfamily:     Agaminae Genus:     Physignathus Species:     P. lesueurii Survives in a domestic enclosure for over 25 to 28 years The Australian Water Dragon (Physignathus Lesueurii) belongs to the subordinate variety of Gippsland water dragon and Eastern Water Dragon. These varieties dwell…

Red Ackie Monitor

Red Ackie Monitor

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Family:     Varanidae Genus:     Varanus Subgenus:     V. (Odatria) Species:     V. acanthurus The Red Ackie is an Australian variety of lizards, from the genus of monitor lizards (Varanus). The biologists call them the Red Spiny-tailed monitor (Varanus Acanthurus), Ackie dwarfs monitor, or ridge-tailed monitor. Anatomy Spiny-tailed monitor,…

Knight Anole

Knight Anole

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Family:     Polychrotidae Genus:     Anolis Species:     A. equestris The largest variety of anole is the knight anole or Anolis equestris belonging to the polychrotidae family, otherwise also called the Cuban knight anole. They can grow to a total length of about 13 -20 inches (33-51 cm) from head to…

Spiderman Agama

Spiderman Agama

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Sauropsida Order:        Squamata Suborder:  Iguania Family:     Agamidae Subfamily:     Agamidae Genus:     Agama Species:     A. mwanzae This Species Resemble the Superhero Spiderman in Comics The Spider-Man Agama otherwise called Mwanza Flat-headed Agama or Agama Mwanza of the Agamidae family belongs to Tanzania, Kenya, and Rwanda. Anatomy The standard Spiderman agama males attain 6 to…

Legless Lizard

Legless Lizard

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Chordata Class:       Reptilia Order:        Squamata Suborder:       Gekkota Infraorder:       Pygopodomorpha Family:     Pygopodidae The Legless lizard belongs to the minor category of lizard species that have evolved to a stage where their limbs do not function. It is the general name given to the family Pygopodidae and generally refers to other groups, which…